The history of I.V. Stalin’s disease and treatment, prescribed procedures and treatment sites provide a lot of information. This aspect has been worked out quite well in relation to the period after the end of World War II. However, the history of Stalin’s health and treatment of the NEP period has yet to be investigated. Meanwhile, the dates of Stalin's holidays and treatment can be linked to the political processes that took place at that time. The materials of the archival funds of the Russian State Autonomy and Information Administration (f. 558 and others), which allow us to determine the schedule of Stalin's holidays are very helpful. They also contain Stalin’s personal correspondence with members and candidates of the Politburo from the places of his treatment. Along with other sources of personal origin, this allows you to create a reliable picture of Stalin’s disease and treatment in the period under review. I.V. Stalin’s health and treatment during the NEP was determined by many important moments in the history of Russia-USSR. These circumstances had a direct impact on the political life of the country. Despite the fact that Stalin’s illness sometimes limited his participation in the political process of the country, he still played a key role in it. Many domestic policy issues were resolved in personal correspondence with Stalin, and were also postponed until his return from vacation. During vacations a number of key points were considered with the military and political figures of the country. From this point of view, one can consider Stalin’s vacation in the Crimea in 1925. Stalin’s position in the country's leadership stabilized his vacation and treatment schedule. Further, Stalin's holidays took place in the Caucasus and lasted from two to three months. The geographical proximity of the vacation spots determined Stalin's involvement into consideration of the national issues of the Caucasus republics. So, even earlier, he resolved issues related to the Mountain Republic, the status of autonomies in its composition, the exit of autonomies from it. Stalin's supervision of the republics of Transcaucasia was an important point as well. An analysis of a close circle of political figures who spent their holidays and treatment together with Stalin is needed. Among them were K.E. Voroshilov, G.K. Ordzhonikidze, S.M. Kirov, etc. These people enjoyed the full confidence of Stalin. The same aspect should be applied to those who remained on the “replacement” of Stalin in Moskva: V.M. Molotov, L.M. Kaganovich. Analysis of correspondence will determine their responsibilities, as well as accountability to Stalin. The key moment of the study was the role of Stalin in organizing recreation and treatment of the party leaders. The post of Secretary General, among other things, denoted the oversight of these issues. Stalin not only recommended the terms of the holidays, but also the places of treatment, and regulated their duration. This moment allowed Stalin to control the degree of participation of members and candidates of the Politburo and the members of the Central Committee in the political process of the country. An important point was the material support of the process of their treatment. In fact, Stalin's treatment and vacation policy was a continuation of the personnel policy and played an important role in his assertion in power. The author declares no conflicts of interests.
Translated title of the contribution"We consider the Caucasus more rational for the patient as a mountaineer": Stalin’s treatment and rest during the NEP
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)60-69
Issue number77
StatePublished - Jun 2022

    Research areas

  • HEALTH, Politburo, nep, STALIN'S HEALTH, Stalin

ID: 99203815