One of the necessary conditions for the successful existence of any organization is the constant change and modernization not only of production technologies and the work process, but also of the personnel as a whole. The organization can be flexible and adaptive, subject to its constant change and adaptation to changing environmental conditions. However, any organization is not only easily upgraded tools and technologies, but also people from whose side the administration often encounters resistance when trying to introduce something new into the usual life of any organization.
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • change factors, change patterns, conversion, external environment, innovations, management methods, management models, organization, organization management, Organizational Change Management, organizational changes, reform, внешняя среда, инновации, методы управления, модели изменения, модели управления, организационные изменения, организация, преобразование, реформирование, управление организацией, управление организационными изменениями, факторы изменения

ID: 78529565