The paper devotes to stable comparisons with component - zoononym in describing the statics and dynamics of human movement in modern Russian. The study is aimed at identifying national and cultural features of these units of theRussian language. An insignificant number of works has been devoted to the problem of developing this topic of sustainable comparisons in the linguistic-cultural aspect against the background of the Chinese language. The purpose of this article is to describe various aspects of human behavior that are characterized in stable comparisons.
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • linguoculturology, national-cultural features, stable comparisons, statics and dynamics, zoononym, зооним, лингвокультурология, национально-культурные особенности, статика и динамика, устойчивые сравнения

ID: 78516690