Aim. To estimate histological features of placenta and degree of angiogenesis factors TGF-1 и bFGF expression in woman with uterus suture. Material and Methods. The histological and immunohistochemical studies of placenta of 10 healthy women and placenta of 12 women with suture in uterus, placentation on the front wall were conducted. Results. The chronic placental insufficiently in women with uterus suture and placentation on the front wall more often manifests itself by hypoplastic form with circulation disorders of high degree, also light or acute form of adaptive reaction. The tendency to decreasing of bFGF expression and statistically significance increasing of TGF-1 expression was estimated. Conclusion. The pathogenesis of placental insufficiently in women with uterus suture, and placentation on the front wall characterizes with functional disorders in cells of endothelial, macrophages as results of angiogenesis factors TGF-1 и bFGF disbalance.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)152-158
JournalВестник Академии медицинских наук Таджикистана
Issue number2 (30)
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • expression angiogenesis factors TGF-fi1 и bFGF, histological features of placenta, placental insufficiently, uterus suture, гистологическая картина плацент, манзараи гистологии цамроцак, норасоии цамроцак, омилцои экпрессияи афзоиши TGF-fi1 и bFGF, плацентарная недостаточность, рубец на матке, цароцат дар бачадон, экспрессия факторов роста TGF-b1 и bFGF

ID: 78462624