• Денис Валерьевич Пашков
  • Айгуль Рифовна Венина
  • Александр Олегович Иванцов
  • Григорий Аркадьевич Янус
  • Григорий Александрович Раскин
  • Евгений Наумович Имянитов
  • Георгий Моисеевич Манихас
  • Илья Игоревич Дзидзава
  • Аглая Геннадиевна Иевлева
Background. Tumors demonstrating the phenomenon of microsatellite instability (MSI) represent a special category of colorectal cancer (CRC). Such neoplasms account for up to 20 % of CRC and are characterized by specific molecular and clinical manifestations, including high immunogenicity and sensitivity to immunotherapy. MSI phenotype occurs in two different groups of patients: young individuals with Lynch syndrome and patients older than 70 years with non-hereditary CRC. We assume that the development of sporadic MSI-positive tumors in elderly patients may be associated with age-dependent decrease in immune defense. The aim of the study was to investigate clinical and morphological characteristics in elderly patients with MSI-positive colorectal cancer. Material and Methods. MSI status and mutations in the BRAF gene were tested in a group of 384 CRC patients older than 65 years by PCR-based techniques. A comparative analysis of clinico-pathological features was further conducted in the groups of 23 MSI-posit
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)31-39
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • colorectal cancer, microsatellite instability, mutation, Rhesus antigen, микросателлитная нестабильность, мутация, рак толстой кишки, резус-фактор

ID: 78448647