• А.В. Мохначев
  • О.Н. Беспалова
  • М.О. Баклейчева
  • И.Ю. Коган
An analytical review of published domestic and foreign scientific studies is presented concerning methods for assessing the degree of maturity of the cervix (the main method is palpation, ultrasound measurement of the length of the cervical canal, a new method is static and dynamic elastography) and methods of labor pre-induction (mechanical and pharmacological). At present stage, it is necessary to standardize methods of pre-induction of labor and introduce into practice new methods for assessing the degree of maturity of the cervix to increase the efficiency of preparation for childbirth.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)26-32
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • balloon dilatation of cervical canal, elastography, methods of pre-induction of labor, pre-induction of labor, preparation for labor, баллонная дилатация цервикального канала, методы преиндукции родов, подготовка к родам, преиндукция родов, эластография

ID: 78499258