The paper presents results of a formalized (quantitative) assessment for Central Kolyma region (CKR) gold mineralization potential based on a set of geophysical, geological and geochemical features using IRP method. The method is based on image identification algorithm and involves division of numerous study targets into 2 classes: «ore» deposits, which are most similar to the known standard ore clusters, fields or deposits in terms of all the analyzed features, and conventionally «barren»; to characterize them, host environment including an area beyond the selected standard deposits is assessed. It is shown that geophysiacal fields display essential geological structure features of CKR known gold fields and clusters. Forecasting-prospecting geological/geophysical and geochemical features (localization criteria) typical of Ayan-Yuryakhskaya and Inyali-Debinskaya structural-formation zones are revealed. Areas prospective for new gold deposit discovery within CKR are recognized.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)10-24
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • Central Kolyma region, forecast and search geological and geophysical features, gold deposits, image identification, mineralization forecast, золоторудные месторождения, прогноз оруденения, прогнозно-поисковые геолого-геофизические признаки, распознавание образов, Центрально-Колымский регион

ID: 78464180