Due to the increase in the number of crimes committed in the fi eld of computer information,
the problem of criminal law counteraction of computer crime has become more urgent. In December
2022, the Plenary Supreme Court of the Russian Federation issued a special Resolution on, among other
things, the application of the criminal law in cases of crimes provided for by Chapter 28 of the Criminal
Code of the Russian Federation. The article provides a substantive analysis of the explanations of the
Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, focuses on the most topical issues of theory and practice. The
above include the defi nition of unlawful access to computer information, criminal consequences under
Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, information protected by law, establishment
of guilt, admissibility of qualifying the deed as an ideal set of crimes provided for in Articles 272 and 273
of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Theoretical approaches, the established practice of
application of the law and explanations of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are compared.
The qualifi cation rules are clarifi ed depending on the specifi c circumstances.