

In: Philological Class, Vol. 28, No. 4, 2023, p. 155-164.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review






abstract = "The article discusses lexemes marked in the explanatory dictionary edited by D. N. Ushakov with the note “kants.” (officialese), which accompanies other than the main entry (direct) meaning of a polysemantic word. This limitation in the research material, first of all, allows tracing the historico-stylistic “shifts” of the selected lexemes – mainly from natural language to clich{\'e}d business speech, which has its own unique history of development within the Russian literary language. Singling out the vocabulary accompanied by the mark “kants.” in the general vocabulary makes it possible to present a separate lexico-stylistic subsystem as one whole (a corpus), explore its internal organization, and consider the most significant evidence of the influence of extralinguistic factors on it. The vocabulary marked “kants.” in Ushakov{\textquoteright}s dictionary demonstrates the activity of metonymic mechanisms and the work of the principle of economy of speech effort at the moment of its formation. In the course of the study of official vocabulary, belonging to the group “officialese” in its secondary meaning(s), it has been clearly revealed that, on the one hand, it is closely associated with bookish written culture, which subsequently results in the noticeable archaization of the officialese in general, and on the other hand, with colloquial speech, especially in the ways of morphological formation of new words. The article describes the part-of-speech composition of the selected corpus of lexemes and its thematic and functional features. It is emphasized that the most representative in terms of quantity and content is the nominal vocabulary with the general theme of “office work”, including both words that are leaving office usage (memoriya {\textquoteleft}memorial{\textquoteright}, peresnyat{\textquoteright} {\textquoteleft}copy{\textquoteright}), and those that are just forming their “official” meanings (delovod {\textquoteleft}clerk{\textquoteright}, dirizhor {\textquoteleft}conductor{\textquoteright}, zav {\textquoteleft}manager{\textquoteright}). The article considers a remarkable history of the officialese bumaga {\textquoteleft}paper{\textquoteright}, which used to be a generic term for any document in the early Soviet era. The study gradually and carefully develops the idea that the dictionary, focused primarily on fixing the norms of the contemporary Russian language of the Soviet era, clearly records the emerging separation of the official style, in which the “alienation” of a person from the text and from its personal, authorial essence becomes more and more salient. {\textcopyright} 2023 Ural State Pedagogical University. All rights reserved.",
keywords = "dictionary, non-subjectness of official text, normative dictionary, official style, officialese, stylistic notes",
author = "T.S. Sadova and D.V. Rudnev",
note = "Export Date: 11 March 2024 Пристатейные ссылки: Bagryantseva, G. I., (1986) Filologicheskii analiz dokumental{\textquoteright}nogo teksta (na materiale sluzhebnoi perepiski perioda kollegial{\textquoteright}nogo deloproizvodstva) [Philological Analysis of a Documentary Text (Based on Official Correspondence from the Period of Collegial Office Work)]: avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk, p. 24. , Багрянцева, Г. И. Филологический анализ документального текста (на материале служебной переписки периода коллегиального делопроизводства): автореф. дис. канд. филол. наук Г. И. Багрянцева. М.: МГУ, 1986. 24 с. Moscow, MSU; Bulygina, E. Yu., Vasil{\textquoteright}eva, G. M., Vorontsov, R. I., Dunev, A. I., Yazyk sovetskoi epokhi: istoki, traditsii, sovremennoe vospriyatie [The Language of the Soviet Era: Origins, Traditions, Modern Perception] (2018), p. 264. , Булыгина, Е. Ю. Язык советской эпохи: истоки, традиции, современное восприятие Е. Ю. Булыгина, Г. М. Васильева, Р. И. Воронцов, А. И. Дунев. СПб.: РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена, 2018. 264 с. Saint Petersburg, RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena; Verkhovskoi, P. V., Pis{\textquoteright}mennaya delovaya rech{\textquoteright}. Slovar{\textquoteright}, sintaksis i stil{\textquoteright}. Razbor byurokraticheskikh shablonov i narushenii grammatiki v yazyke dokumentov (1930), Верховской, П. В. Письменная деловая речь. Словарь, синтаксис и стиль. Разбор бюрократических шаблонов и нарушений грамматики в языке документов П. В. Верховской. М.: Техника управления, 1930. 216 с. [Written Business Speech. Vocabulary, Syntax and Style. Analysis of Bureaucratic Cliche and Violations of Grammar in the Language of Documents]. Moscow, Tekhnika upravleniya. 216; Vinogradov, V. V., Tolkovye slovari russkogo yazyka [Explanatory Dictionaries of the Russian Language] (1977), 3, pp. 206-242. , Виноградов, В. В. Толковые словари русского языка В. В. Виноградов Виноградов, В. В. Избр. труды: в 3 т. Т. III. Лексикология и лексикография. М.: Наука, 1977. С. 206–242. Vinogradov, V. Izbrannye trudy 3 tomakh [Selected Works in 3 Volumes]. Moscow, Nauka; Zelenin, A. V., Rudnev, D. V., Istoriya predlogov so znacheniem sootvetstviya v russkom yazyke [The History of Prepositions of Conformity in Russian] (2016) Russkii yazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii, 2 (32), pp. 91-114. , Зеленин, А. В. История предлогов со значением соответствия в русском языке А. В. Зеленин, Д. В. Руднев Русский язык в научном освещении. 2016. 2 (32). С. 91–114; (1935) Tolkovyi slovar{\textquoteright} russkogo yazyka: v 4 t. [Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, in 4 vols.], 1. , Как пользоваться словарем Толковый словарь русского языка: в 4 т. Т. 1 под ред. Д. Н. Ушакова. М.: ОГИЗ, Стб. ХХI–LXXVI. From the editor (1935) Ushakov, D. N. (Ed). Moscow, OGIZ, [1–4]; Kruglov, V. M., Istratii, V. V., Gamirova, D. R., Kaplan, E. D., (2015) Normativno-stilisticheskie pomety v tolkovykh akademicheskikh slovaryakh russkogo yazyka [Standard-Stylistic Notes in Explanatory Academic Dictionaries of the Russian Language], p. 442. , Круглов, В. М. Нормативно-стилистические пометы в толковых академических словарях русского языка В. М. Круглов, В. В. Истратий, Д. Р. Гамирова, Е. Д. Каплан. СПб.: Нестор-История, 2015. 442 с. Saint Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriya; Loginova, K. A., Delovaya rech{\textquoteright} i eyo stilisticheskie izmeneniya v sovetskuyu epokhu [Business Speech and Its Stylistic Changes in the Soviet Era (1968) Razvitie funktsional{\textquoteright}nykh stilei sovremennogo russkogo yazyka [Development of Functional Styles of the Modern Russian Language], pp. 186-230. , Логинова, К. А. Деловая речь и ее стилистические изменения в советскую эпоху К. А. Логинова Развитие функциональных стилей современного русского языка. М.: Наука, 1968. С. 186–230. Moscow, Nauka; Maiorov, A. P., Slavyanizmy v delovom yazyke 1-i poloviny XVIII veka [Slavonicisms in the Business Language of the 1st Half of the 18th Century] (2009) Filologicheskie nauki, (4), pp. 29-36. , Майоров, А. П. Славянизмы в деловом языке 1-й половины XVIII века А. П. Майоров Филологические науки. 2009. 4. С. 29–36; Makarova, E. A., Semantika kachestvennykh i otnositel{\textquoteright}nykh prilagatel{\textquoteright}nykh v kognitivnom osveshchenii [Semantics of Qualitative and Relative Adjectives in Cognitive Aspect (2011) Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvisticheskogo universiteta, (2), pp. 184-190. , Макарова, Е. А. Семантика качественных и относительных прилагательных в когнитивном освещении Е. А. Макарова Вестник Иркутского государственного лингвистического университета. 2011. 2. С. 184–190]; Nefyodov, I. V., Nefyodova, T. P., Otrazhenie sistemnosti leksiki russkogo yazyka v pervom tolkovom slovare sovetskoi epohi [The Reflection of the Russian Language Lexis Systemacy in the First Monolingual Explanatory Dictionary of the Soviet Epoch (2013) Mir russkogo slova, (1), pp. 8-13. , Нефёдов, И. В. Отражение системности лексики русского языка в первом толковом словаре советской эпохи И. В. Нефёдов, Т. П. Нефёдова Мир русского слова. 2013. 1. С. 8–13]; Ozhegov, S. I., Osnovnye cherty razvitiya russkogo yazyka v sovetskuyu epokhu [Main Features of the Development of the Russian Language in the Soviet Era (1974) Ozhegov, S. I. Leksikologiya. Leksikografiya. Kul{\textquoteright}tura rechi, pp. 20-36. , Ожегов, С. И. Основные черты развития русского языка в советскую эпоху С. И. Ожегов Ожегов С. И. Лексикология. Лексикография. Культура речи. М.: Высшая школа, 1974. С. 20–36] Moscow, Vysshaya shkola; How to use a dictionary (1935) (1935) Tolkovyi slovar{\textquoteright} russkogo yazyka: v 4 t. [Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, in 4 vols.], 1. , От редакции Толковый словарь русского языка: в 4 т. Т. 1 под ред. Д. Н. Ушакова. М.: ОГИЗ, С. [1–4] Ushakov, D. N. (Ed). Moscow, OGIZ, cols. XXI–LXXVI; Rudnev, D. V., Sadova, T. S., Sub{"}ekt sovremennoi delovoi rechi: kto on? [The Subject of Modern Official Russian: Who is He/She?] (2020) Journal of Applied Linguistics and Lexicography, 2 (2), pp. 186-192. , Руднев, Д. В. Субъект современной деловой речи: кто он Д. В. Руднев, Т. С. Садова Journal of Applied Linguistics and Lexicography. 2020. Т. 2 (2). С. 186–192; Sadova, T. S., Rudnev, D. V., Iz istorii russkikh prositel{\textquoteright}nykh zhanrov: lingvisticheskii aspekt [From the History of Russian Petitioning Genres: the Linguistic Aspect] (2020) Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 42 (5), pp. 8-14. , Садова, Т. С. Из истории русских просительных жанров: лингвистический аспект Т. С. Садова, Д. В. Руднев Ученые записки Петрозаводского государственного университета. 2020. Т. 42, 5. С. 8–14; Sologub, O. P., Sovremennyi russkii ofitsial{\textquoteright}no-delovoi tekst: funktsional{\textquoteright}no-geneticheskii aspekt [Modern Russian Official Business Text: Functional-Genetic Aspect] (2009), p. 402. , Сологуб, О. П. Современный русский официально-деловой текст: функционально-генетический аспект: дис. д-ра филол. наук О. П. Сологуб. Кемерово: КемГУ, 2009. 402 с. Dis. doctora filol. nauk. Kemerovo, KemGUUR -",
year = "2023",
doi = "10.26170/2071-2405-2023-28-4-155-164",
language = "русский",
volume = "28",
pages = "155--164",
journal = "Philological Class",
issn = "2071-2405",
publisher = "Уральский государственный педагогический университет",
number = "4",





AU - Sadova, T.S.

AU - Rudnev, D.V.

N1 - Export Date: 11 March 2024 Пристатейные ссылки: Bagryantseva, G. I., (1986) Filologicheskii analiz dokumental’nogo teksta (na materiale sluzhebnoi perepiski perioda kollegial’nogo deloproizvodstva) [Philological Analysis of a Documentary Text (Based on Official Correspondence from the Period of Collegial Office Work)]: avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk, p. 24. , Багрянцева, Г. И. Филологический анализ документального текста (на материале служебной переписки периода коллегиального делопроизводства): автореф. дис. канд. филол. наук Г. И. Багрянцева. М.: МГУ, 1986. 24 с. Moscow, MSU; Bulygina, E. Yu., Vasil’eva, G. M., Vorontsov, R. I., Dunev, A. I., Yazyk sovetskoi epokhi: istoki, traditsii, sovremennoe vospriyatie [The Language of the Soviet Era: Origins, Traditions, Modern Perception] (2018), p. 264. , Булыгина, Е. Ю. Язык советской эпохи: истоки, традиции, современное восприятие Е. Ю. Булыгина, Г. М. Васильева, Р. И. Воронцов, А. И. Дунев. СПб.: РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена, 2018. 264 с. Saint Petersburg, RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena; Verkhovskoi, P. V., Pis’mennaya delovaya rech’. Slovar’, sintaksis i stil’. Razbor byurokraticheskikh shablonov i narushenii grammatiki v yazyke dokumentov (1930), Верховской, П. В. Письменная деловая речь. Словарь, синтаксис и стиль. Разбор бюрократических шаблонов и нарушений грамматики в языке документов П. В. Верховской. М.: Техника управления, 1930. 216 с. [Written Business Speech. Vocabulary, Syntax and Style. Analysis of Bureaucratic Cliche and Violations of Grammar in the Language of Documents]. Moscow, Tekhnika upravleniya. 216; Vinogradov, V. V., Tolkovye slovari russkogo yazyka [Explanatory Dictionaries of the Russian Language] (1977), 3, pp. 206-242. , Виноградов, В. В. Толковые словари русского языка В. В. Виноградов Виноградов, В. В. Избр. труды: в 3 т. Т. III. Лексикология и лексикография. М.: Наука, 1977. С. 206–242. Vinogradov, V. Izbrannye trudy 3 tomakh [Selected Works in 3 Volumes]. Moscow, Nauka; Zelenin, A. V., Rudnev, D. V., Istoriya predlogov so znacheniem sootvetstviya v russkom yazyke [The History of Prepositions of Conformity in Russian] (2016) Russkii yazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii, 2 (32), pp. 91-114. , Зеленин, А. В. История предлогов со значением соответствия в русском языке А. В. Зеленин, Д. В. Руднев Русский язык в научном освещении. 2016. 2 (32). С. 91–114; (1935) Tolkovyi slovar’ russkogo yazyka: v 4 t. [Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, in 4 vols.], 1. , Как пользоваться словарем Толковый словарь русского языка: в 4 т. Т. 1 под ред. Д. Н. Ушакова. М.: ОГИЗ, Стб. ХХI–LXXVI. From the editor (1935) Ushakov, D. N. (Ed). Moscow, OGIZ, [1–4]; Kruglov, V. M., Istratii, V. V., Gamirova, D. R., Kaplan, E. D., (2015) Normativno-stilisticheskie pomety v tolkovykh akademicheskikh slovaryakh russkogo yazyka [Standard-Stylistic Notes in Explanatory Academic Dictionaries of the Russian Language], p. 442. , Круглов, В. М. Нормативно-стилистические пометы в толковых академических словарях русского языка В. М. Круглов, В. В. Истратий, Д. Р. Гамирова, Е. Д. Каплан. СПб.: Нестор-История, 2015. 442 с. Saint Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriya; Loginova, K. A., Delovaya rech’ i eyo stilisticheskie izmeneniya v sovetskuyu epokhu [Business Speech and Its Stylistic Changes in the Soviet Era (1968) Razvitie funktsional’nykh stilei sovremennogo russkogo yazyka [Development of Functional Styles of the Modern Russian Language], pp. 186-230. , Логинова, К. А. Деловая речь и ее стилистические изменения в советскую эпоху К. А. Логинова Развитие функциональных стилей современного русского языка. М.: Наука, 1968. С. 186–230. Moscow, Nauka; Maiorov, A. P., Slavyanizmy v delovom yazyke 1-i poloviny XVIII veka [Slavonicisms in the Business Language of the 1st Half of the 18th Century] (2009) Filologicheskie nauki, (4), pp. 29-36. , Майоров, А. П. Славянизмы в деловом языке 1-й половины XVIII века А. П. Майоров Филологические науки. 2009. 4. С. 29–36; Makarova, E. A., Semantika kachestvennykh i otnositel’nykh prilagatel’nykh v kognitivnom osveshchenii [Semantics of Qualitative and Relative Adjectives in Cognitive Aspect (2011) Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvisticheskogo universiteta, (2), pp. 184-190. , Макарова, Е. А. Семантика качественных и относительных прилагательных в когнитивном освещении Е. А. Макарова Вестник Иркутского государственного лингвистического университета. 2011. 2. С. 184–190]; Nefyodov, I. V., Nefyodova, T. P., Otrazhenie sistemnosti leksiki russkogo yazyka v pervom tolkovom slovare sovetskoi epohi [The Reflection of the Russian Language Lexis Systemacy in the First Monolingual Explanatory Dictionary of the Soviet Epoch (2013) Mir russkogo slova, (1), pp. 8-13. , Нефёдов, И. В. Отражение системности лексики русского языка в первом толковом словаре советской эпохи И. В. Нефёдов, Т. П. Нефёдова Мир русского слова. 2013. 1. С. 8–13]; Ozhegov, S. I., Osnovnye cherty razvitiya russkogo yazyka v sovetskuyu epokhu [Main Features of the Development of the Russian Language in the Soviet Era (1974) Ozhegov, S. I. Leksikologiya. Leksikografiya. Kul’tura rechi, pp. 20-36. , Ожегов, С. И. Основные черты развития русского языка в советскую эпоху С. И. Ожегов Ожегов С. И. Лексикология. Лексикография. Культура речи. М.: Высшая школа, 1974. С. 20–36] Moscow, Vysshaya shkola; How to use a dictionary (1935) (1935) Tolkovyi slovar’ russkogo yazyka: v 4 t. [Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, in 4 vols.], 1. , От редакции Толковый словарь русского языка: в 4 т. Т. 1 под ред. Д. Н. Ушакова. М.: ОГИЗ, С. [1–4] Ushakov, D. N. (Ed). Moscow, OGIZ, cols. XXI–LXXVI; Rudnev, D. V., Sadova, T. S., Sub"ekt sovremennoi delovoi rechi: kto on? [The Subject of Modern Official Russian: Who is He/She?] (2020) Journal of Applied Linguistics and Lexicography, 2 (2), pp. 186-192. , Руднев, Д. В. Субъект современной деловой речи: кто он Д. В. Руднев, Т. С. Садова Journal of Applied Linguistics and Lexicography. 2020. Т. 2 (2). С. 186–192; Sadova, T. S., Rudnev, D. V., Iz istorii russkikh prositel’nykh zhanrov: lingvisticheskii aspekt [From the History of Russian Petitioning Genres: the Linguistic Aspect] (2020) Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 42 (5), pp. 8-14. , Садова, Т. С. Из истории русских просительных жанров: лингвистический аспект Т. С. Садова, Д. В. Руднев Ученые записки Петрозаводского государственного университета. 2020. Т. 42, 5. С. 8–14; Sologub, O. P., Sovremennyi russkii ofitsial’no-delovoi tekst: funktsional’no-geneticheskii aspekt [Modern Russian Official Business Text: Functional-Genetic Aspect] (2009), p. 402. , Сологуб, О. П. Современный русский официально-деловой текст: функционально-генетический аспект: дис. д-ра филол. наук О. П. Сологуб. Кемерово: КемГУ, 2009. 402 с. Dis. doctora filol. nauk. Kemerovo, KemGUUR -

PY - 2023

Y1 - 2023

N2 - The article discusses lexemes marked in the explanatory dictionary edited by D. N. Ushakov with the note “kants.” (officialese), which accompanies other than the main entry (direct) meaning of a polysemantic word. This limitation in the research material, first of all, allows tracing the historico-stylistic “shifts” of the selected lexemes – mainly from natural language to clichéd business speech, which has its own unique history of development within the Russian literary language. Singling out the vocabulary accompanied by the mark “kants.” in the general vocabulary makes it possible to present a separate lexico-stylistic subsystem as one whole (a corpus), explore its internal organization, and consider the most significant evidence of the influence of extralinguistic factors on it. The vocabulary marked “kants.” in Ushakov’s dictionary demonstrates the activity of metonymic mechanisms and the work of the principle of economy of speech effort at the moment of its formation. In the course of the study of official vocabulary, belonging to the group “officialese” in its secondary meaning(s), it has been clearly revealed that, on the one hand, it is closely associated with bookish written culture, which subsequently results in the noticeable archaization of the officialese in general, and on the other hand, with colloquial speech, especially in the ways of morphological formation of new words. The article describes the part-of-speech composition of the selected corpus of lexemes and its thematic and functional features. It is emphasized that the most representative in terms of quantity and content is the nominal vocabulary with the general theme of “office work”, including both words that are leaving office usage (memoriya ‘memorial’, peresnyat’ ‘copy’), and those that are just forming their “official” meanings (delovod ‘clerk’, dirizhor ‘conductor’, zav ‘manager’). The article considers a remarkable history of the officialese bumaga ‘paper’, which used to be a generic term for any document in the early Soviet era. The study gradually and carefully develops the idea that the dictionary, focused primarily on fixing the norms of the contemporary Russian language of the Soviet era, clearly records the emerging separation of the official style, in which the “alienation” of a person from the text and from its personal, authorial essence becomes more and more salient. © 2023 Ural State Pedagogical University. All rights reserved.

AB - The article discusses lexemes marked in the explanatory dictionary edited by D. N. Ushakov with the note “kants.” (officialese), which accompanies other than the main entry (direct) meaning of a polysemantic word. This limitation in the research material, first of all, allows tracing the historico-stylistic “shifts” of the selected lexemes – mainly from natural language to clichéd business speech, which has its own unique history of development within the Russian literary language. Singling out the vocabulary accompanied by the mark “kants.” in the general vocabulary makes it possible to present a separate lexico-stylistic subsystem as one whole (a corpus), explore its internal organization, and consider the most significant evidence of the influence of extralinguistic factors on it. The vocabulary marked “kants.” in Ushakov’s dictionary demonstrates the activity of metonymic mechanisms and the work of the principle of economy of speech effort at the moment of its formation. In the course of the study of official vocabulary, belonging to the group “officialese” in its secondary meaning(s), it has been clearly revealed that, on the one hand, it is closely associated with bookish written culture, which subsequently results in the noticeable archaization of the officialese in general, and on the other hand, with colloquial speech, especially in the ways of morphological formation of new words. The article describes the part-of-speech composition of the selected corpus of lexemes and its thematic and functional features. It is emphasized that the most representative in terms of quantity and content is the nominal vocabulary with the general theme of “office work”, including both words that are leaving office usage (memoriya ‘memorial’, peresnyat’ ‘copy’), and those that are just forming their “official” meanings (delovod ‘clerk’, dirizhor ‘conductor’, zav ‘manager’). The article considers a remarkable history of the officialese bumaga ‘paper’, which used to be a generic term for any document in the early Soviet era. The study gradually and carefully develops the idea that the dictionary, focused primarily on fixing the norms of the contemporary Russian language of the Soviet era, clearly records the emerging separation of the official style, in which the “alienation” of a person from the text and from its personal, authorial essence becomes more and more salient. © 2023 Ural State Pedagogical University. All rights reserved.

KW - dictionary

KW - non-subjectness of official text

KW - normative dictionary

KW - official style

KW - officialese

KW - stylistic notes

UR -

U2 - 10.26170/2071-2405-2023-28-4-155-164

DO - 10.26170/2071-2405-2023-28-4-155-164

M3 - статья

VL - 28

SP - 155

EP - 164

JO - Philological Class

JF - Philological Class

SN - 2071-2405

IS - 4

ER -

ID: 117488676