We discuss the structure of the Earth’s crust, the seismic stratigraphy, thermal evolution, and stretching of the lithosphere in the sedimentary basin of the Cooperation Sea located on the continental margin of Antarctica in the south of the Indian Ocean. The sedimentary basin includes intracontinental and marginal rifts; the former is located on the shelf, and the latter, in the deep-water area. A seismostratigraphic analysis has revealed four sequences in the sedimentary cover of the intracontinental rift, which formed from middle Permian to late Cenozoic, and nine sequences in the sedimentary cover of the marginal rift, which have been deposited since the Middle Jurassic. One-dimensional numerical modeling of the thermal regime and the basement subsidence was performed over 18 points along the profile crossing the basin from the shelf to the lower continental rise. Based on the results of modeling and seismostratigraphic analysis, we have established variations in rock temperature with depth and in the deg
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)84-98
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Antarctic, continental margin, Cooperation Sea, Lithosphere stretching, numerical modeling of basins, rifting, sedimentary basin, антарктика, континентальная окраина, море Содружества, осадочный бассейн, растяжение литосферы, рифтогенез, численное моделирование бассейнов

ID: 78574616