He Development of the questionnaire “36 role-playing stories” is one of the ways to solve the problem of obsolescence of methods. The new questionnaire is being developed in a new paradigm. Orientation is not the attitude of the subject to the problem, and his actions. The study was conducted on the basis of St. Petersburg state University (second-year students of the faculty of psychology). Involving 40 people, at the age of 19-20 years. Research methods: questionnaire to determine the level of neuroticism and psihopatizatsii; questionnaire makeovers of Garanyan N. G., Kholmogorova A. B.; the test included the figures Gotthold; questionnaire “the 36 plots”; the questionnaire Plutchik-Kellerman-Conte - (methodology Index lifestyle (Life Style Index, LSI); the California psychological inventory and psychophysiological research methods. The data obtained allow us to say that there are normative and non-normative types of behavior. Normative are adequate to the situation a combination of action. Abnormal (risky) behavior leads to illness. The basis of the work is the assumption that when designing tests it is more expedient to determine not the attitude of a person to the problem, but a series of his actions, since this or that “attitude” can lead to completely different actions. Human behavior is formed under the influence of the “picture of the world” created by him, which is a non-equilibrium structure polarized by his system of values (bibliography: 7 refs).