In this article, researchers turn to the repeatedly attracted attention of critics motive of drunkenness, which is reflected in the poem by N. Nekrasov “To Whom in Russia to live well" (1863-1877). Unlike its predecessors the authors of the article on the example of “drunk philosophy” of Yakim Nagoy seek to understand the depth of the phenomenon of Russian drunkenness in its relationship with the Russian epic heroes, through the parallel intended by the writer and reflected on the pages of the poem. In this regard, researchers correlate the chapters “Rural yarmonka” and “Drunken night” with the unfulfilled idea of the poet to consider “hops”, “drunk” (according to the memoirs of G. Uspensky, etc.) as a lucky man in Russia.
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • N. A. Nekrasov, the chapters "rural yarmonka" and "Drunken night", the image of Yakim Naked, the philosophy of drunkenness, the poem "Who in Russia lives well", the unfulfilled ending, главы "Сельская ярмонка" и "Пьяная ночь", Н. А. Некрасов, неосуществленный финал, образ Якима Нагого, поэма "Кому на Руси жить хорошо", философия пьянства

ID: 78496034