The article provides data on state and public organizations (NGOs) in the North-West of Russia, providing assistance in situations of domestic violence and close relations; material, communication and human resources of social services that face the needs of clients in situations of violence; types of customer needs; organization of helplines and shelters.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)59-76
JournalСоциальное обслуживание семей и детей: научно-методический сборник
Issue number19
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Crisis centers for women and social services, helplines, physical, psychological, psychological and legal assistance, sexual violence in the family and close relationships, shelters for victims, кризисные центры для женщин и социальные службы, психологическая и юридическая помощь, психологическое, сексуальное насилие в семье и близких отношениях, телефоны доверия, убежища для пострадавших, физическое

ID: 78535242