In this paper, from a cybernetic perspective, the human-nature interactions are considered in the context of modern climate change, unprecedented in its scale and rate caused by anthropogenic activity. The developed structure of the “climate-economy” cybernetic system is presented, the weaknesses of the global governance bodies are analysed, and the main causes of the uncertainties in assessing climate change and the economic damage caused by this change are discussed. It is noted that adaptation measures and strategies developed and implemented by governments of different countries and intergovernmental organizations do not eliminate the causes of global warming and, therefore, have limited capacities, since humans and nature can exist only under specified environmental conditions. Going beyond these conditions, due to climate change, can lead to a global biological catastrophe. Climate policy decisions are made under uncertainty due to the ambiguity of estimates of the future climate, which, in turn, is the
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)5-42
JournalТруды СПИИРАН
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • climate change economics, climate engineering, feedbacks, geoengineering, Geophysical cybernetics, global warming, optimal control, геоинжиниринг, геофизическая кибернетика, глобальное потепление, климатический инжиниринг, обратные связи, оптимальное управление, экономика изменения климата

ID: 78526171