This article is devoted to a little studied aspect of the technology of vertical farms - the spatial patterns of their distribution. In the work on the basis of two moduses (urbanization and agriculture) four types of territory with different potential levels for the vertical farms construction were identified, geospace areas corresponding to each type were described. The conditions are formulated for areas with high potential for the implementation of vertical farms technology. The trends associated with changes in the agriculture geography due to the vertical farming proliferation are described.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)437-444
JournalРостовский научный журнал
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • agricultural geography, urban farming, urbanization, vertical farm, vertical farming, вертикальная ферма, вертикальное земледелие, география сельского хозяйства, городское фермерство, урбанизация

ID: 78367540