The work presents the results of organic matter (OM) study of rocks, the composition, chemical structure of chloroform bitumen (CB), their fractions and the nature of the hydrocarbon biomarkers distribution in samples taken from outcrops. The obtained results confirmed the existing idea of the domanicoid nature of OM and the high oil and gas potential of the studied deposits. According to our data, the aquagenic type of OM is indicated by a high content of Corg, a high yield of CB, a high content of oils in the composition of synbitumoids, and the predominance of relatively low molecular weight n-alkanes with a maximum at n-15-18. A sufficient maturity of bitumen can be judged by CPI coefficients close to unity and low absorption coefficients of oxygen-containing groups and bonds in the CB, thus deposits entered the main oil generation zone and generated shown that, in the Middle Devonian, bitumen occurrences along with chemical oxidation were affected to a different degree of bacterial oxidation processes, in contrast to the Lower Devonian bitumen shows. The results can be used to assess the generation potential of oil source strata and to forecast the prospects of oil and gas potential in the shelf of the eastern sector of the Russian part of the Arctic.

Translated title of the contributionGeochemical features of bitumen shows in the Lower-Middle Devonian deposits of the Northern-Western part of Kotelny Island (Novosibirsk Island Archipelago)
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)31-38
Number of pages8
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2019

    Scopus subject areas

  • Geophysics
  • Geology

    Research areas

  • Bitumen shows, Hydrocarbon biomarkers, Kotelny island, Lower and middle devonian, Organic matter

ID: 51631767