The article presents the developed criteria for the technological typification of gold ores to optimize a method for predicting the ores technological features of ores of gold deposits at the early stages of exploration. These criteria are necessary for mineralogical and technological express-evaluation which allows geological companies to reduce financial cost and decide whether to continue exploration work. So far, previous research of different authors focused on patterns of technological typification of gold ores for specific genetic types of deposits. However, there are no generalizing papers on this subject. The authors have studied 7 gold deposits. The research included comprehensive mineralogical and technological analysis. The results revealed the dependence of technological properties on the material composition. Furthermore, it was found that there is no correlation between a genetic type of ores and choice of beneficiation scheme. The recently discovered Sikakangas ore occurrence located in wester
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)13-19
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • geological exploration, gold deportment, gold mineralization, gold-bearing ores, granulometric analysis, leaching, ore occurrence Sikakangas, oxidation, technological samples, the methods of ore beneficiation, выщелачивание, геологоразведочные работы, гранулометрический анализ, золотое оруденение, золотоносные руды, окисление, рудопроявление Сикакангас, способы обогащения руд, технологические пробы, форма нахождения золота

ID: 78581494