Split injection of samples into capillary gas chromatographic columns is almost always accompanied by distortions (discrimination) of their composition, especially at a low split ratio. The principal effect is the dependence of absolute peak areas of various constituents vs. the injector temperature. It makes impossible comparing the analytical results for the samples in different solvents and at various injection temperatures. Suppressing these effects is possible only by using splitless injection technique or packed chromatographic columns. However, since the absolute peak areas distortions of various constituents of the same samples are similar, the ratios of peak areas of target components to the peak areas of the solvent appear to be close to constants. Hence, using these relative peak areas instead of absolute values allows compensating the manifestations of discrimination effects during the split injections into capillary columns, but that does not mean the elimination of these effects. The possibilities of the considered approach were characterized on the example of the solution of model analytes in polar high boiling solvent - 1,2-propanediol - within the injector temperature range from 120 to 240°C. It is concluded that average quantification errors in this case by the method of standard addition are about -1.3% rel. Moreover, it allowed changing the injector temperature without decreasing the precision of the results that was previously considered impossible.

Translated title of the contributionCompensation of discrimination effects of split injection into capillary columns
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)110-119
Number of pages10
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2019

    Research areas

  • gas chromatography, Capillary columns, Split injection, Ratio of peak areas of target analytes to peak areas of solvent, Compensation of discrimination effects

    Scopus subject areas

  • Analytical Chemistry

ID: 48586169