The sexual sphere is one of the Central in the system of significant relations of the personality and attitude to oneself. Previously conducted by the authors of the study showed the features of the psychosexual sphere of women with neurotic disorders: low differentiation of sexual identity and its inconsistency with gender-role behavior. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis of the connection of such psychosexual diathesis with intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts of women with neuroses. 94 women with neurotic disorders and 50 women without mental disorders were examined. Research methods: clinical, “Methods for the study of intrapsychic conflicts”, “Unfinished sentences”, “Semantic differential”, “ Methods of diagnosis of accentuation of gender-role behavior.” In the group of patients with neuroses revealed a higher overall level and a wider range of intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts compared with the control group of healthy. In neurotic disorders, the intensity of intrapersonal conflict was higher, and the level of interpersonal conflict was lower in women with masculine accentuation of gender - role behavior compared with non-centered women. The exception is the sphere of relations to the mother, in which the accentuated women of the clinical group have a higher level of conflict. In women with different structures of sexual identity in the group of neurotic patients, the level of conflict is higher in relation to the father in M-isomeric women compared to f-isomeric; in the healthy group - conflict in relation to sexual life is higher in f-isomeric women compared to M-isomeric women. In general, in the group of patients with neuroses, in contrast to the group of healthy women, there was a close relationship of psychological conflict with the level of feminin component in the structure of sexual identity. The article presents a substantial analysis of the psychological conflict of neurotic patients and mentally healthy women with different characteristics of the psychosexual sphere. Directions of further research of interrelation of psychological ways of coping with intra-and interpersonal conflict and features of the psychosexual sphere of the women sick with neuroses are outlined.