The Constitution and domestic legislation of the Islamic Republic of Iran is distinguished by its specific attitude not only to the norms of Muslim law, but also to the
provisions of international law. The Constitution of Iran
recognizes the undoubted priority of Muslim law over the
norms of not only domestic legislative acts adopted by
the Majlis of the country, but also the Constitution of the
Islamic Republic of Iran. At the same time, the norms
of international law are equated by the Iranian legislator
with the norms of domestic law. The legal conflicts between international law and the legal provisions of Muslim law and the Constitution of Iran arising in connection
with this legal position of the spiritual and secular authorities of Iran have become the content of this article.
Translated title of the contributionThe constitutional law of Iran against the background of the conflict of international and Muslim law of the Islamic State
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)62-68
Issue number1 (53)
StatePublished - 2021

    Research areas

  • international law, Islamic law, the Constitution, the conflict of law clause, an international Treaty, the constitutional norms

ID: 84840079