The paper presents an analysis of the state of the sphere of social work with migrants and problems in this sphere in Russia through the prism of expert assessments obtained during interviews with employees of government bodies, non-profit organizations, volunteer movements, and scientists. The main difficulties that migrants face during the adaptation are paperwork, access to information, legal and financial difficulties, employment issues. Analysis of the opinions of experts made it possible to identify measures of social work with migrants aimed at raising awareness, legal literacy of foreign citizens, increasing their legal protection, improving access to health care and education, housing, and the labor market, improving the professional skills of migrants and their knowledge of the Russian language, the history and sociocultural foundations of the life of Russian society. Based on the results of the interview, the recommendations of experts in the field of social work with migrants and the possibility of applying unified social work practices that can improve the effectiveness of the system of social work with migrants and their families in Russia were highlighted. According to experts, integration with the host community allows migrants to adapt faster and more efficiently. In this regard, the role of non-profit organizations (national cultural organizations for the preservation and development of cultures, the House of Friendship of Peoples) that preserve the cultures of peoples and develop a dialogue between them is growing. Experts emphasize that in the sphere of social work, both at the state level and in the work of non-profit organizations, more attention should be paid to the possibility of applying unified practices that can improve the effectiveness of the system of social work with migrants and their families in Russia.