The aim of the undertaken research is to develop a statistical method that allows to estimate frequency and regularity for the distribution of distinctive dialect features in the spontaneous speech of speakers of non-standardized idioms, and thus to discover intrasystem implications between different dialect features creating linguistic profiles of dialect speakers. At a later stage of research, the achievement of this aim would mean obtaining a quantitative tool for assessing intrasystem coherence and degree of dialect preservation for any Slavic or Balkan dialect. The object of study is Draginja MikiC's (b. 1906) idiolect. The narrative she produced was recorded in the village of BerCinovac, situated near Knjazevac in the ZajeCar county (Eastern Serbia). This narrative of approximately 5,300 word tokens was published by A. Sobolev in the third volume of his work called Sprachatlas Ostserbiens und Westbulgariens [Dialectological Atlas of Eastern Serbia and Western Bulgaria]. The analyzed data were extracted