The routes and the time of the initial colonization of Northern Fennoscandia are among the most actively discussed topics of the Arctic archeology. In the last decade the KolAE IHMC RAS excavated four Mesolithic sites of Gusiny 4-7 on the southern coast of Kildin Strait, Barents Sea. The sites are located on ancient marine terraces at the elevations from 27-30 to 35 m asl. Remnants of a shallow square dwelling structure 3×3 m was investigated on Gusiny6. The assemblage consists of quartz, silicified sandstone and chert items. There is set of tanged «Ahrensburgian» and single-edged points and flake-axes. Lithic assemblage of Gusiny 6 belongs to the phase I according to B. Olsen. The sites of that phase were dated back to 10000-9000 BP and represent the initial colonization of Northern Fennoscandia along the Norwegian coast. The excavated area of Gusiny 4, 5, 7 sites was 118, 80 and 42 m2 respectively. Their assemblages are very similar and consist of chert, silicified sandstone and quartz artefacts. Technologi
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)666-682
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • colonization, Kola Peninsula, Komsa culture, mesolithic, northern Fennoscandia, заселение, Кольский полуостров, культура Комса, мезолит, северная Фенноскандия

ID: 78587798