Based on legal positions of the RF Constitutional Court, the article addresses complex questions of compulsory execution of the ECHR judgments delivered in cases against Russia. The authors do agree that national authorities should make every effort to execute the final orders of the Strasbourg Court, yet they still admit - due to the recognition of the absolute supremacy of the Russian Constitution - the impossibility of domestic implementation of those decisions that infringe constitutional identity of national legal order.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)36-51
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • compulsory execution of judicial orders, constitutional identity, ECHR judgments, positions of Russian Constitutional Court, supranational system of protection of rights and freedoms, конституционная идентичность, наднациональная система защитыправ и свобод, обязательность исполнения судебных актов, постановления ЕСПЧ, правовые позиции Конституционного Суда РФ

ID: 78601562