The subject of this research is the policy in the field of historical memory during the period of late Stalinism explored on the example of medieval history of Lithuania. Having referred to an extensive range of published and archival sources, the author analyzes the factors and transformation character of historiographical paradigms in studying the history of relationship of the two nations and countries. Special attention is given to the examination of specificity of state order that required mandatory refusal from the Lithuania’s image as a historical enemy and adversary of Russia. The conclusion is made that the policy in the area of historical memory in the postwar Lithuania represented a fusion of imperial and Marxist heritage, which formed a unique and controversial image of the country’s past, called to revise historical memory of the citizens of Soviet Lithuania. This concept viewed the coexistence of Russians and Lithuanians within the boundaries of a single, Moscow State, as natural and necessary i
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)92-97
JournalGenesis: исторические исследования
Issue number10
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Baltic Region, Battle of Grunwald, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, late Stalin period, lithuania, memory, memory studies, Muscovite Russia, postwar society, Soviet Union, балтийский регион, Великое княжество Литовское, Грюнвальдская битва, исследования памяти, литва, Московская Русь, память, позднесталинский период, послевоенное общество, Советский Союз

ID: 78600797