Scientific literature review shows that the issues relating to Eurasian economic integration are attracting growing attention in academia. This is especially true of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) announced by China in 2013. An analysis of the relevant researches shows that BRI is generally positively perceived in the international academic community. The reason for this is considered to be that an appropriate balance of opportunities and risks is emerging in the method of implementing the initiated projects. Chinese scientists are mostly optimistic about BRI's prospects, while researchers from other countries tend to give a comprehensive assessment of both positive and negative factors. The analysis allows promising areas for future research on Russia's participation in Asian integration to be defined. Such areas include political collaboration with regional organizations (EAEU, SCO, ASEAN among others), infrastructure provision in the framework of major development initiatives (BRI, as well as national
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • belt and road initiative, east Asia, economic integration, Eurasia, russia, восточная Азия, евразия, Инициативы Шелкового пути, россия, экономическая интеграция

ID: 78459716