Aim of investigation. To estimate therapeutic effect of application of the drug «Heptral» in composition of complex pathogenic therapy of chronic viral hepatites. Methods. Statistical analysis of clinical and laboratory tests in 53 men in the age of 43±5,2 years was carried out. Of them in 21 patients chronic viral hepatitis B (HBsAg+, HBеAg-, FibroTest F2-F3), in 32 - chronic viral hepatitis C (HСVAB+ with moderate activity, FibroTest F2-F3) was diagnosed. In 15 of 32 patients cirrhotic stage of chronic viral hepatitis C (FibroTest F3-F4) was detected. Results. After 2-week course of parenteral injections of 400 mg per day of «Heptral» relief intoxication syndrome was obtained in 35% of patients, regression of skin itching - in 55%, decrease of ALT activity from initial level for 35-40%, contents of bilirubin by 50%, level of alkaline phosphatase by 36%. Differences between scores prior to treatment and after 2 weeks of therapy were significant. Continuation of treatment by heptral tablets 800 mg per day for the next 2 weeks resulted in the further improvement of clinical parameters and long-lasting decrease of cholestatic markers level. Intoxication syndrome was stopped in 94 % of patients, syndrome of cytolysis - in 76%, cholestatic syndrome - in 88%. Conclusions. Application of the drug «Heptral» for 4 weeks and longer in complex treatment of chronic viral hepatites allows to receive sustained improvement of clinical manifestations of disease, including cholestatic syndrome. No side effects of intake of the drug were revealed. Application within a steplike mode is the most expedient: 2-week course of parenteral ademetionine, and further 4-week course of tablet form in a dose of 800 mg in day.