The paper contains few reflections based on the Dmitry Fedchuk’s article published in the volume 2 (2) 2013 of «Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology» under the title «Scholastic Distinction in Finite Being and Ontological Difference». The Fedchuk’s theses that the entity but not the being as such has to be the proper subject of ontology and that the Heidegger’s attempt to express by the notions the sense of the being as such was unsuccessful are seconded here. Two points of Fedchuk’s view of Heidegger’s failure are emphasized also, namely, Heidegger’s abstractions of pure being from entities by the ontological difference as well as his reduction of the being to its giveness in the human understanding (Heidegger’s idealism). But it is pointed also that Fedchuk’s argumentation in his attack on Heidegger isn’t always sufficient. For example Fedchuk don’t notice that Heidegger believes that the being is always the being of entities and therefore his fundamental ontology should lead to the building of so-called meton
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2014

ID: 3916294