The result of political regulation in the field of language is a language reform, which can concern graphics, vocabulary, grammar and other sections of the language. However, it cannot be short-term, as declared by the heads of state in the programs of transition to the Latin alphabet, and requires large human, financial, organizational and other resources. The change of writing systems is associated with epochal historical changes in the development of States and symbolizes the mental gap with the past, Westernization of societies, declared rejection of traditional values; a successful change of the written language is possible with a low initial literacy level and an active process of combating illiteracy, the development of primary and secondary education and, accordingly, is difficult given the high literacy rate of the population and the proportion of persons with higher education. Attempts to return to the previously existing systems of writing as an example of the search for national identity, the construction of statehood in Central Asian countries after the collapse of the USSR and the receipt of sovereignty, is not always a natural stage in the development of statehood language and culture. In addition, changes in writing systems that are not related to significant historical events are usually caused by internal political processes and are aimed at domestic mobilization of political systems and society.
Translated title of the contributionRomanization of writing in Central Asia: historical background and contemporary situation
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationАктуальные проблемы мировой политики
Subtitle of host publicationЕжегодный альманах
EditorsТамара Сергеевна Немчинова, Ватаняр Саидович Ягья
Place of PublicationСПб.
PublisherИздательство Санкт-Петербургского университета
StatePublished - 18 Dec 2019

    Research areas

  • language policy, writing system, romanization of the alphabet, geopolitical interests, Central Asia

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)

ID: 75310195