The article deals with economic and legal ways of coordinating the interests of
competing producers and consumers of goods. The concept of economic interest and
ways to ensure the balance of interests is revealed. It is noted that the solution to the issue of ensuring competition of producers and consumers of goods is in the plane of correlation
of such methods of regulating the economy as self-regulation (the main method) and state
regulation (subsidiary method). Self-regulation is a method of legal regulation, if the right
is understood as the satisfaction of the individual’s own interest, recognized by others,
including the state. State regulation, as a normative form of regulation, only reflects more
or less accurately the economic and legal interests of members of society. The article also
discusses the concept of market power and the related concepts of negotiating power and
balancing power, as well as the sufficiency and completeness of their legislative regulation.
It is noted that market power can be manifested both in the actions of the seller and in the
actions of the buyer, occupying a dominant position in the market of a certain product,
or having significant negotiating power or balancing power in a given market of goods.
Appropriate proposals are being made on legislative regulation.
Translated title of the contributionCoordination of Interests of Competing Producers and Consumers of Goods: Economic and Legal Methods
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationПоддержка конкуренции: экономические и юридические механизмы обеспечения баланса интересов производства и потребления
Subtitle of host publicationмонография
EditorsВалерий Александрович Бодренков, Дмитрий Анатольевич Петров
Place of PublicationМ
PublisherИздательская группа «Юрист»
ISBN (Print)9785941034857
StatePublished - 2022
EventМеждународная научно-практической конференция "Поддержка конкуренции: экономические и юридические механизмы обеспечения баланса интересов производства и потребления" - Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Санкт-Петербург, Russian Federation
Duration: 4 Feb 20224 Feb 2022


ConferenceМеждународная научно-практической конференция "Поддержка конкуренции: экономические и юридические механизмы обеспечения баланса интересов производства и потребления"
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Internet address

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