In this article, on the basis of a wide range of historical sources (report materials, acts, memoirs), for the most part, first introduced into scientific circulation, the establishment and activity of the St. Petersburg (Petrograd) Higher Women's (Bestuzhevsky) courses are being developed and operated from 1906 to 1919, (not officially designated as the department of the law faculty of the St. Petersburg (Petrograd) University), and was the third faculty after the historical-philological and physico-mathematical, Revolutionary Russia Chartered women teachers and women scientists (whose certificate of completion of a female university equated with university diplomas). The novelty of the research is that unique fictitious autobiographical archives have been used to study the fate of the first professional women lawyers of the Russian Empire. Many of them until 1917 took an active part in the struggle for women's advocacy, were participants in statistical surveys conducted in various spheres of the national economy, most of them served the chosen profession in the subsequent historical period. The scientific significance of the article is to establish the relationship between the teaching of various branches of law in the first women's university of pre-revolutionary Russia by the leading lawyers and practical activities of their students, who have become highly qualified specialists.