Antarctic station Progress is the largest Russian Antarctic station. The anthropogenic impact on primary soils in the area of this station is reflected in the chemical structure of soils and the structure of microbial communities. The article shows a multiple increase in the number of microorganisms (especially microscopic fungi) in contaminated soils around the Progress station. Anthropogenic impact changes the structure of complexes of soil microorganisms. The percentage of mesophilic microorganisms increases significantly. In the samples of primary soils and anthropogenic substrates, 53 species of micromycetes from 28 genera were identified. Their diversity decreases from anthropogenic soils and anthropogenic substrates to control soils. It was shown that an increase in the number of species on the polar station area is the result of the invasion of new species of micromycetes connected with human activity. Some native species of micromycetes are able to adapt to anthropogenic substrates and can be destruc
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)23-34
JournalРоссийский Журнал Биологических Инвазий
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • Antarctic ecosystems, anthropogenic influence, invasive species, microscopic fungi, potential pathogens, soil microbiota, антарктические экосистемы, антропогенное влияние, инвазивные виды, микобиота почв, микроскопические грибы, условные патогены

ID: 78373726