The biblical story begins with the story of the creation of the world out of nothing. In the context of theological tradition, creation means non-self-being; this is the reason for the constant variability of the universe. Biblical Revelation presupposes the assumption of a special kind of ontology of creation: nothing is self-existent, all being is relative and everything is relative to God. The entire history of natural science, starting with Galileo, shows that its development proceeded along the path of concretizing and expanding the field of applicability of the principle of the relativity of being: from Galilean relativity – to Einstein’s special theory of relativity – and, finally, to quantum mechanics – to the fact that one of the greatest physicists of the XX century academician Vladimir Fock called the principle of relativity to the means of observation. Considering quantum mechanics as the last natural link in this chain of realization of the principle of relativity in physics, we can, from the many alternative interpretations of quantum mechanics existing today, single out those that are organically consistent with the fundamental biblical principle of the relativity of being and consistently explain what is perceived as quantum paradoxes. This will allow you to take the next step towards comprehending the fundamental nature of reality.