

In: Antropologicheskij Forum, Vol. 2023, No. 59, 2023, p. 209-257.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle






abstract = "We publish here an interview with George Levinton, a prominent specialist in philology, folklore and literary criticism, professor at the European University at St Petersburg, on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Professor Levinton recalls his teachers and those who influenced his academic trajectory: his father Akhill Levinton, Vladimir Toporov, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Boris Uspensky, Kirill Taranovsky. He talks about his academic career, atypical for a scholar in Soviet times, and about the institutions he worked in. He talks about the James Bond novels that helped him learn English and explains why he never worked {\textquoteleft}in the field{\textquoteright}. Levinton{\textquoteright}s interlocutors asked him to explain where the {\textquoteleft}wedding{\textquoteright} topic came from, and how he felt working with his co-authors (such as Albert Baiburin, Nikita Okhotin, Alexander Dolinin, Yury Kleiner, Viktor Lapin), and why he stopped teaching a course in poetics. They also tried to find out which of his numerous publications he considered the most important methodologically for science and for himself. {\textcopyright} 2023, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.",
keywords = "folklore studies, George Levinton, poetics, reconstructing proto-Slavic formulas, Tartu school of semiotics, wedding ritual",
author = "S. Nikolaeva and S. Podrezova and N. Slavgorodskaya",
note = "Export Date: 11 March 2024 Пристатейные ссылки: Baiburin, A. K., Golovin, V. V., Dushechkina, E. V., Levinton, G. A., (2006) Folklor, postfolklor, byt, literatura [Folklore, Post-Folklore, Everyday Life and Literature]: A coll. of articles for the 60th anniversary of A. F. Belousov, p. 364. , (eds), St Petersburg: SPbGIK Press, (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., Tezisy k probleme “Volshebnaya skazka i svadba”{\textquoteright} [Theses to the Problem “Fairytale and Wedding” (1972) Quinquagenario: A coll. of articles by young philologists for the 50th anniversary of prof, pp. 67-85. , Yu. M. Lotman. Tartu: Tartu State University Press, (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., “Knyaz” i “knyaginya” v russkom svadebnom velichanii (k semantike obryadovykh terminov){\textquoteright} [“Prince” and “Princess” in Russian Wedding Denominations (1975) Russkaya filologiya [Russian Philology]: A coll. of scientific student works, 4, pp. 58-76. , Tartu: Tartu State University Press, is. (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., Ob analize novykh zapisey svadebnogo obryada{\textquoteright} [Towards Analysis of New Recordings of the Wedding Ritual (1977) Sovremennost i folklor: materialy i issledovaniya [The Present and Folklore: Materials and Research], pp. 305-311. , Moscow: Muzyka, (Folklor i folkloristika [Folklore and Folklore Studies], is. 4). (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., O sootnoshenii folklornykh i etnograficheskikh faktov{\textquoteright} [On Relations between Folklore and the Ethnographic Facts (1983) Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 32 (1–4), pp. 3-31. , (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., K probleme “U etnograficheskikh istokov folklornykh syuzhetov i obrazov”{\textquoteright} [Towards the Problem “Ethnographic Sources of Folklore Plots and Images (1984) Folklor i etnografiya. U etnograficheskikh istokov folklornykh syuzhetov i obrazov [Folklore and Ethnography: Ethnographic Sources of Folklore Plots and Images], pp. 229-245. , Leningrad: Nauka, (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., Pokhorony i svadba{\textquoteright} [Funeral and Wedding] (1990) Issledovaniya v oblasti balto-slavyanskoy dukhovnoy kultury. Pogrebalnyy obryad [Studies in Baltic-Slavic Spiritual Culture. Burial Ritual]: A coll. of articles, pp. 64-99. , Moscow: Nauka, (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., Kod(y) i obryad(y){\textquoteright} [Code(s) and Ritual(s) (1998) Kodovi slovenskikh kultura (Belgrade), (3), pp. 239-257. , Svadba [Wedding], (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., Eleazar Moiseevich Meletinsky [obituary] (2006) Antropologicheskij forum, (4), pp. 397-400. , (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., Ot redaktsii II (Evropeyskiy universitet) (2006) Folklor, postfolklor, byt, literatura [Folklore, Post-Folklore, Everyday Life and Literature]: A coll. of articles for the 60th anniversary of A. F. Belousov, pp. 6-10. , [From the Editors II (European University)], St Petersburg: SPbGIK Press, (In Russian); Bakhtina, V. A., (2000) Folkloristicheskaya shkola bratyev Sokolovykh (dostoinstvo i prevratnosti nauchnogo znaniya) [Folklore School of Brothers Sokolov (Virtues and Vicissitudes of Scholarly Knowledge)], p. 334. , Moscow: Nasledie, (In Russian); Baran, Kh., Goryacheva, T., Lavrov, A., Levinton, G., Shumilova, E., (2013) Avangard i ostalnoe [Avant-Guard and the Rest]: A coll. of articles for the 75th anniversary of Alexander Efimovich Parnis, p. 800. , (eds), Moscow: Tri kvadrata, (In Russian); Bogatyrev, P. G., Jakobson, R. O., Folklor kak osobaya forma tvorchestva{\textquoteright} [Folklore as a Form of Creativity] (1971) Voprosy narodnogo tvorchestva [Issues of Folk Creativity], pp. 369-383. , Bogatyrev P. G., Moscow: Iskusstvo, (In Russian); Gamkrelidze, T. V., Vyach, Ivanov, (1984) Indoevropeyskiy yazyk i indoevropeytsy: rekonstruktsiya i istoriko-tipologicheskiy analiz prayazyka i protokultury [Indo-European Language and Indo-Europeans: A Reconstruction and Historical Typological Analysis of Proto-Language and Proto-Culture], 2. , Tbilisi: Tbilisi University Press, (In Russian); St, Gardzonio, Kazanskiy, N. N., Levinton, G. A., (2011) LAUREA LORAE: A coll. in memory of Larisa Georgievna Stepanova, p. 727. , (eds), St Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, (In Russian); Herder, J. G., Volkslieder: in 2 Bde, pp. 1778-1779. , Leipzig: Weygand; Hoekstra, A., (1969) The Sub-epic Stage of the Formulaic Tradition, p. 76. , Amsterdam: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences; Kazanskiy, N. N., Rekonstruktsiya mikenskikh stikhov na osnovanii gomerovskikh formul so slovom ύσμίνη (1992) Balkanskie chteniya — 2: simpozium po strukture teksta [The Balkan Readings — 2: Symposium of Text Structure]: Abstracts and materials, pp. 9-12. , [Reconstruction of Mycenaean Verse on the Basis of Homeric Formulas with the Word ύσμίνη], Moscow: Institute of Slavic and Balkan Studies RAS Press, (In Russian); Klubkov, P. A., (2002) Rossiyskiy gumanitarnyy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar [Russian Encyclopedia of Humanities], 2. , Moscow; St Petersburg: Vlados; St Peterburg State University Press, (In Russian); Koshelev, V. A., (2006) Bagryanaya ruka”{\textquoteright} [The Scarlet Hand], Folklor, postfolklor, byt, literatura [Folklore, Post-Folklore, Everyday Life and Literature]: A coll. of articles for the 60th anniversary of A. F. Belousov, pp. 234-242. , St Petersburg: SPbGIK Press, (In Russian); Lapin, V. A., O napevakh permskikh svadebnykh pesen, zapisannykh Grigoriem Luchnikovym{\textquoteright} [Tunes of Perm Wedding Songs as Recorded by Grigoriy Luchnikov (1995) Russkaya narodnaya pesnya: neizvestnye stranitsy muzykalnoy istorii [Russian Folk Songs: Unknown Pages of Musical History]: A coll. of scientific works, pp. 87-95. , Zemtsovskiy I. I. (ed), St Petersburg: Russian Institute of Art History Press, (In Russian); Lapin, V. A., Levinton, G. A., Pesni svadebnye, pisannye Grigoriem Luchnikovym v genvare 1869 g. Kudymkor{\textquoteright} [Weding Songs Recorded by Grigoriy Luchnikov in January 1869: Kudymkor] (1995) Russkaya narodnaya pesnya: neizvestnye stranitsy muzykalnoy istorii [Russian Folk Songs: Unknown Pages of Musical History]: A coll. of scientific works, pp. 96-149. , [publ., note], Zemtsovskiy I. I. (ed), St Petersburg: Russian Institute of Art History Press, (In Russian); Lapin, V. A., Levinton, G. A., Ivashneva, L. L., Kommentariy k razdelu “Svadebnye pesni”{\textquoteright} [A Commentary to the Section “Wedding Songs”] (1974) Uglichskie narodnye pesni: iz novykh zapisey russkikh narodnykh pesen [Uglich Folk Songs: New Recordings of Russian Folk Songs], pp. 203-242. , Zemtsovskiy I. I. (comp., ed), Moscow: Sovetskiy kompozitor, (In Russian); Lasunskiy, O. G., Levinton, G. A., Makarova, O. E., Nerler, P. M., Perelmuter, V. G., Sokolova, M. V., Freydin, Yu. L., (1995) “Otday menya, Voronezh…” [“Let me go, Voronezh…”]: Third International Mandelstam Readings, p. 379. , (eds), Voronezh: Voronezh University Press, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Nekotorye obshchie voprosy izucheniya svadebnogo obryada{\textquoteright} [Some General Issues of the Study of Wedding Ritual (1970) Tezisy dokladov IV Letney shkoly po vtorichnym modeliruyushchim sistemam [Abstracts of Papers Read at the 4th Summer School on Secondary Modeling Systems], pp. 27-30. , Tartu: University of Tartu Press, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., [A Review of] M. S. Altman. Stilevye i syuzhetnye reministsentsii. I. U Pushkina. II. U Tolstogo{\textquoteright} [M. S. Altman. Reminiscences on Style and Plot: 1. Pushkin; 2. Tolstoy] (1977) Russian Linguistics, 3 (4), pp. 375-383. , (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Iz lingvisticheskikh kommentariev k slavyanskomu obryadovomu tekstu (1977) Slavyanskoe i balkanskoe yazykoznanie [Slavic and Balkan Linguistics], pp. 325-348. , [Linguistic Commentaries to the Slavic Ritual Text], Moscow: Nauka, is. 4: Karpato-vostochnoslavyanskie paralleli. Struktura balkanskogo teksta [Carpathian East Slavic Parallels. The Structure of Balkan Text], (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Na kamennykh otrogakh Pierii” Mandelshtama (Materialy k analizu){\textquoteright} [“On the Stone Spurs of Pieria” by Mandelstam (Notes towards Analysis) (1977) Russian Literature, 5 (2), pp. 123-170. , 3, 201–237. (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Leksika slavyanskikh epicheskikh traditsiy i problema rekonstruktsii praslavyanskogo teksta (1983) Tekst: semantika i struktura [Text: Semantics and Structure], pp. 152-172. , [Vocabulary of Slavic Epic Traditions and the Problem of Reconstruction of the Proto-Slavic Text], Moscow: Nauka, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Folklorizm i “mifologizm” v literature{\textquoteright} [Folklorism and “Mythologism” in Literature (1985) Literaturnyy protsess i razvitie russkoy kultury XVIII–XX vv. [Literary Process and Development of Russian Culture in the 18th–20th Centuries]: Abstracts of the scientific conference, pp. 38-41. , Tallinn: Tallinn Pedagogical Institute Press, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Ob osobennostyakh irlandskoy versii syuzheta “Boy ottsa s synom”{\textquoteright} [Particular Qualities of the Irish Version of “Battle of Father and Son” Plot] (1994) Yazyk i kultura keltov [Celtic Language and Culture]: Materials of the III colloquium, pp. 11-14. , St Petersburg: Russian Association of Celtologists Press, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Zamechaniya o zhanrovom prostranstve russkogo folklora{\textquoteright} [Notes of the Genre Varieties of Russia Folklore (1998) Sudby traditsionnoy kultury [The Fate of Traditional Culture]: A coll. of articles and materials in memory of Larisa Ivleva, pp. 56-71. , St Petersburg: Dmitry Bulanin, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., (2001) Statyi iz entsiklopedii{\textquoteright} [Articles from Encyclopedia], Trudy fakulteta etnologii [Proceedings of the Ethnology Department], 1, pp. 230-271. , St Petersburg: European University at St Petersburg Press, is. (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Iz oblasti poeticheskoy filologii: suktsessivnost poeticheskoy rechi u Brodskogo i Yakobsona (K istorii odnogo doklada) (2009) Tynyanovskiy sbornik [The Tynyanov Collection], is. 13: Dvenadtsatye — Trinadtsatye— Chetyrnadtsatye Tynyanovskie chteniya [Tynyanov Readings Thirteen — Fourteen — Fifteen], pp. 369-380. , [From the Realm of Poetic Philology: Successiveness of Poetic Speech of Brodsky and Jakobson (Towards the History of a Presentation)], Moscow: Vodoley, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., K pustoy zemle nevolno pripadaya: Postscriptum k state N. N. Mazur{\textquoteright} [“Unwillingly clinging to a bare land”: A Postscriptum to Natalia Mazur{\textquoteright} Paper (2015) Russko-frantsuzskiy razgovornik, ili / ou Les Causeries du 7 Septembre [A Russian-French Conversation Book, or / ou Les Causeries du 7 Septembre]: A coll. of articles in honor of V. A. Milchina, pp. 444-451. , Moscow: NLO, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Okhotin, N. G., Chto za delo im — khochu…”. O literaturnykh i folklornykh istochnikakh skazki A.S. Pushkina “Tsar Nikita i sorok ego docherey”{\textquoteright} [“What do they care — I want it…”: On Literature and Folklore Sources of Pushkin{\textquoteright}s Fairytale “King Nikita and His Forty Daughters (1991) Literaturnoe obozrenie, (11), pp. 28-35. , (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Okhotin, N. G., [A comment] Otryvok iz skazki “Tsar Nikita”{\textquoteright} [A Fragment of Fairytale “King Nikita”] (2016) Polnoe sobranie sochineniy [Complete Works]: in 20 vols, 2, pp. 937-960. , Pushkin A. S., St Petersburg: Nauka, part 2, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Smirnov, I. P., Na pole Kulikovom” Bloka i pamyatniki Kulikovskogo tsikla{\textquoteright} [Blok{\textquoteright}s “On the Kulikovo Field” and the Texts of the ; Kulikovskaya bitva i podem natsionalnogo samosoznaniya [Kulikovo Battle and the Rise of the National Identity], , Kulikovo Cycle]; (1979), pp. 72-95. , Leningrad: Nauka, (Trudy otdela drevnerusskoy literatury IRLI [Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature, Institute of Russian Literature], 34). (In Russian); Lord, A. B., (1960) The Singer of Tales, , Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, XV+309; Nagy, G., (1974) Comparative Studies in Greek and Indic Meter, , Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, XXIV+335 (Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature, 33); Niederle, L., (1902) Slovansk{\'e} staro{\v z}itnosti, , Praha: Burs{\'i}k a Kohout, –1934; Podrezova, S. V., (2021) Krichat Khrista”: paskhalnyy tropar v russkoy folklornoy traditsii [“To Shout Christ”: Easter Troparion in Russian Folklore Tradition, p. 510. , ed. by G. A. Levinton, I. S. Popova. St Petersburg: European University at St Petersburg Press; Romanova, E. V., (2012) Massovye samosozhzheniya staroobryadtsev v Rossii v XVII– XIX vekakh [Mass Self-Burnings of Old Believers in Russia in the 17th–19th Centuries], p. 288. , St Petersburg: European University at St Petersburg Press, (Studia Ethnologica, is. 10); Shapir, M. I., “…Khot pozdno, a vstuplenye est” (“Yevgeniy Onegin” i poetika burleska){\textquoteright} [“Though late, prelude is done at last”: Evgeniy Onegin and poetics of burlesque] (2000), 1, pp. 241-251. , Shapir M. I., Universum versus: yazyk stikh smysl russkoy poezii XVIII–XX vekov [Universum Versus: Language —Verse Meaning in Russian Poetry of 19th–20th Centuries]: in 2 Moscow: Yazyki russkoy kultury, (In Russian); Shein, P. V., (1900) Velikoruss v svoikh pesnyakh, obryadakh, obychayakh, verovaniyakh, skazkakh, legendakh i t.p. [The Russian in His Songs, Rituals, Beliefs, Tales, Legends, etc.], 1 (2), pp. 377-833. , St Petersburg: Printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, is. XXVII–LVIII, (In Russian); Sokolov, Yu. M., (1931) Folkloristika i literaturovedenie{\textquoteright} [Folklore Studies and Literary Studies], Pamyati P. N. Sakulina [In Memory of P. N. Sakulin]: A coll. of articles, pp. 280-289. , Moscow: Nikitinskie subbotniki, (In Russian); Toporov, V. N., (1975) Prusskiy yazyk [Prussian Language]: A dictionary, pp. 1-5. , Moscow: Nauka, –1990, (In Russian); Vakhtin, N. B., Levinton, G. A., (2007) AB-60: A coll. of articles for the 60th anniversary of A. K. Baiburin, p. 572. , (eds), St Petersburg: European University at St Petersburg Press, (Studia Ethnologica, is. 4). (In Russian); Zelenin, D., (1927) Russische (Ostslavische) Volkskunde, , Berlin; Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter, 424 SS. (Grundri{\ss} der slavischen Philologie und Kulturgeschichte); Zelenin, D. K., (2019) Opisanie rukopisey Uchenogo arkhiva Imperatorskogo Russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva [Description of Manuscripts of the Academic Archives of the Imperial Russian Geographic Society], 4, pp. 1279-1760. , introd. by A. I. Vaskul. St Petersburg: Kompozitor, is. XXVII, (In Russian); Zemtsovskiy, I. I., (1967) Toropetskie pesni: pesni rodiny M. P. Musorgskogo [Toropets Songs: Songs from the Homeland of Modest Musorgskiy], p. 140. , (comp., comment), Leningrad: Muzyka, (In Russian); Zemtsovskiy, I. I., (1974) Uglichskie narodnye pesni: iz novykh zapisey russkikh narodnykh pesen [Uglich Folk Songs: New Recordings of Russian Folk Songs], p. 288. , (comp., ed), Moscow: Sovetskiy kompozitor, (In Russian)",
year = "2023",
doi = "10.31250/1815-8870-2023-19-59-209-257",
language = "русский",
volume = "2023",
pages = "209--257",
journal = "Antropologicheskij Forum",
issn = "1815-8870",
publisher = "Музей антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого РАН (Кунсткамера) ",
number = "59",





AU - Nikolaeva, S.

AU - Podrezova, S.

AU - Slavgorodskaya, N.

N1 - Export Date: 11 March 2024 Пристатейные ссылки: Baiburin, A. K., Golovin, V. V., Dushechkina, E. V., Levinton, G. A., (2006) Folklor, postfolklor, byt, literatura [Folklore, Post-Folklore, Everyday Life and Literature]: A coll. of articles for the 60th anniversary of A. F. Belousov, p. 364. , (eds), St Petersburg: SPbGIK Press, (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., Tezisy k probleme “Volshebnaya skazka i svadba”’ [Theses to the Problem “Fairytale and Wedding” (1972) Quinquagenario: A coll. of articles by young philologists for the 50th anniversary of prof, pp. 67-85. , Yu. M. Lotman. Tartu: Tartu State University Press, (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., “Knyaz” i “knyaginya” v russkom svadebnom velichanii (k semantike obryadovykh terminov)’ [“Prince” and “Princess” in Russian Wedding Denominations (1975) Russkaya filologiya [Russian Philology]: A coll. of scientific student works, 4, pp. 58-76. , Tartu: Tartu State University Press, is. (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., Ob analize novykh zapisey svadebnogo obryada’ [Towards Analysis of New Recordings of the Wedding Ritual (1977) Sovremennost i folklor: materialy i issledovaniya [The Present and Folklore: Materials and Research], pp. 305-311. , Moscow: Muzyka, (Folklor i folkloristika [Folklore and Folklore Studies], is. 4). (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., O sootnoshenii folklornykh i etnograficheskikh faktov’ [On Relations between Folklore and the Ethnographic Facts (1983) Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 32 (1–4), pp. 3-31. , (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., K probleme “U etnograficheskikh istokov folklornykh syuzhetov i obrazov”’ [Towards the Problem “Ethnographic Sources of Folklore Plots and Images (1984) Folklor i etnografiya. U etnograficheskikh istokov folklornykh syuzhetov i obrazov [Folklore and Ethnography: Ethnographic Sources of Folklore Plots and Images], pp. 229-245. , Leningrad: Nauka, (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., Pokhorony i svadba’ [Funeral and Wedding] (1990) Issledovaniya v oblasti balto-slavyanskoy dukhovnoy kultury. Pogrebalnyy obryad [Studies in Baltic-Slavic Spiritual Culture. Burial Ritual]: A coll. of articles, pp. 64-99. , Moscow: Nauka, (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., Kod(y) i obryad(y)’ [Code(s) and Ritual(s) (1998) Kodovi slovenskikh kultura (Belgrade), (3), pp. 239-257. , Svadba [Wedding], (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., Eleazar Moiseevich Meletinsky [obituary] (2006) Antropologicheskij forum, (4), pp. 397-400. , (In Russian); Baiburin, A. K., Levinton, G. A., Ot redaktsii II (Evropeyskiy universitet) (2006) Folklor, postfolklor, byt, literatura [Folklore, Post-Folklore, Everyday Life and Literature]: A coll. of articles for the 60th anniversary of A. F. Belousov, pp. 6-10. , [From the Editors II (European University)], St Petersburg: SPbGIK Press, (In Russian); Bakhtina, V. A., (2000) Folkloristicheskaya shkola bratyev Sokolovykh (dostoinstvo i prevratnosti nauchnogo znaniya) [Folklore School of Brothers Sokolov (Virtues and Vicissitudes of Scholarly Knowledge)], p. 334. , Moscow: Nasledie, (In Russian); Baran, Kh., Goryacheva, T., Lavrov, A., Levinton, G., Shumilova, E., (2013) Avangard i ostalnoe [Avant-Guard and the Rest]: A coll. of articles for the 75th anniversary of Alexander Efimovich Parnis, p. 800. , (eds), Moscow: Tri kvadrata, (In Russian); Bogatyrev, P. G., Jakobson, R. O., Folklor kak osobaya forma tvorchestva’ [Folklore as a Form of Creativity] (1971) Voprosy narodnogo tvorchestva [Issues of Folk Creativity], pp. 369-383. , Bogatyrev P. G., Moscow: Iskusstvo, (In Russian); Gamkrelidze, T. V., Vyach, Ivanov, (1984) Indoevropeyskiy yazyk i indoevropeytsy: rekonstruktsiya i istoriko-tipologicheskiy analiz prayazyka i protokultury [Indo-European Language and Indo-Europeans: A Reconstruction and Historical Typological Analysis of Proto-Language and Proto-Culture], 2. , Tbilisi: Tbilisi University Press, (In Russian); St, Gardzonio, Kazanskiy, N. N., Levinton, G. A., (2011) LAUREA LORAE: A coll. in memory of Larisa Georgievna Stepanova, p. 727. , (eds), St Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, (In Russian); Herder, J. G., Volkslieder: in 2 Bde, pp. 1778-1779. , Leipzig: Weygand; Hoekstra, A., (1969) The Sub-epic Stage of the Formulaic Tradition, p. 76. , Amsterdam: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences; Kazanskiy, N. N., Rekonstruktsiya mikenskikh stikhov na osnovanii gomerovskikh formul so slovom ύσμίνη (1992) Balkanskie chteniya — 2: simpozium po strukture teksta [The Balkan Readings — 2: Symposium of Text Structure]: Abstracts and materials, pp. 9-12. , [Reconstruction of Mycenaean Verse on the Basis of Homeric Formulas with the Word ύσμίνη], Moscow: Institute of Slavic and Balkan Studies RAS Press, (In Russian); Klubkov, P. A., (2002) Rossiyskiy gumanitarnyy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar [Russian Encyclopedia of Humanities], 2. , Moscow; St Petersburg: Vlados; St Peterburg State University Press, (In Russian); Koshelev, V. A., (2006) Bagryanaya ruka”’ [The Scarlet Hand], Folklor, postfolklor, byt, literatura [Folklore, Post-Folklore, Everyday Life and Literature]: A coll. of articles for the 60th anniversary of A. F. Belousov, pp. 234-242. , St Petersburg: SPbGIK Press, (In Russian); Lapin, V. A., O napevakh permskikh svadebnykh pesen, zapisannykh Grigoriem Luchnikovym’ [Tunes of Perm Wedding Songs as Recorded by Grigoriy Luchnikov (1995) Russkaya narodnaya pesnya: neizvestnye stranitsy muzykalnoy istorii [Russian Folk Songs: Unknown Pages of Musical History]: A coll. of scientific works, pp. 87-95. , Zemtsovskiy I. I. (ed), St Petersburg: Russian Institute of Art History Press, (In Russian); Lapin, V. A., Levinton, G. A., Pesni svadebnye, pisannye Grigoriem Luchnikovym v genvare 1869 g. Kudymkor’ [Weding Songs Recorded by Grigoriy Luchnikov in January 1869: Kudymkor] (1995) Russkaya narodnaya pesnya: neizvestnye stranitsy muzykalnoy istorii [Russian Folk Songs: Unknown Pages of Musical History]: A coll. of scientific works, pp. 96-149. , [publ., note], Zemtsovskiy I. I. (ed), St Petersburg: Russian Institute of Art History Press, (In Russian); Lapin, V. A., Levinton, G. A., Ivashneva, L. L., Kommentariy k razdelu “Svadebnye pesni”’ [A Commentary to the Section “Wedding Songs”] (1974) Uglichskie narodnye pesni: iz novykh zapisey russkikh narodnykh pesen [Uglich Folk Songs: New Recordings of Russian Folk Songs], pp. 203-242. , Zemtsovskiy I. I. (comp., ed), Moscow: Sovetskiy kompozitor, (In Russian); Lasunskiy, O. G., Levinton, G. A., Makarova, O. E., Nerler, P. M., Perelmuter, V. G., Sokolova, M. V., Freydin, Yu. L., (1995) “Otday menya, Voronezh…” [“Let me go, Voronezh…”]: Third International Mandelstam Readings, p. 379. , (eds), Voronezh: Voronezh University Press, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Nekotorye obshchie voprosy izucheniya svadebnogo obryada’ [Some General Issues of the Study of Wedding Ritual (1970) Tezisy dokladov IV Letney shkoly po vtorichnym modeliruyushchim sistemam [Abstracts of Papers Read at the 4th Summer School on Secondary Modeling Systems], pp. 27-30. , Tartu: University of Tartu Press, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., [A Review of] M. S. Altman. Stilevye i syuzhetnye reministsentsii. I. U Pushkina. II. U Tolstogo’ [M. S. Altman. Reminiscences on Style and Plot: 1. Pushkin; 2. Tolstoy] (1977) Russian Linguistics, 3 (4), pp. 375-383. , (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Iz lingvisticheskikh kommentariev k slavyanskomu obryadovomu tekstu (1977) Slavyanskoe i balkanskoe yazykoznanie [Slavic and Balkan Linguistics], pp. 325-348. , [Linguistic Commentaries to the Slavic Ritual Text], Moscow: Nauka, is. 4: Karpato-vostochnoslavyanskie paralleli. Struktura balkanskogo teksta [Carpathian East Slavic Parallels. The Structure of Balkan Text], (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Na kamennykh otrogakh Pierii” Mandelshtama (Materialy k analizu)’ [“On the Stone Spurs of Pieria” by Mandelstam (Notes towards Analysis) (1977) Russian Literature, 5 (2), pp. 123-170. , 3, 201–237. (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Leksika slavyanskikh epicheskikh traditsiy i problema rekonstruktsii praslavyanskogo teksta (1983) Tekst: semantika i struktura [Text: Semantics and Structure], pp. 152-172. , [Vocabulary of Slavic Epic Traditions and the Problem of Reconstruction of the Proto-Slavic Text], Moscow: Nauka, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Folklorizm i “mifologizm” v literature’ [Folklorism and “Mythologism” in Literature (1985) Literaturnyy protsess i razvitie russkoy kultury XVIII–XX vv. [Literary Process and Development of Russian Culture in the 18th–20th Centuries]: Abstracts of the scientific conference, pp. 38-41. , Tallinn: Tallinn Pedagogical Institute Press, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Ob osobennostyakh irlandskoy versii syuzheta “Boy ottsa s synom”’ [Particular Qualities of the Irish Version of “Battle of Father and Son” Plot] (1994) Yazyk i kultura keltov [Celtic Language and Culture]: Materials of the III colloquium, pp. 11-14. , St Petersburg: Russian Association of Celtologists Press, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Zamechaniya o zhanrovom prostranstve russkogo folklora’ [Notes of the Genre Varieties of Russia Folklore (1998) Sudby traditsionnoy kultury [The Fate of Traditional Culture]: A coll. of articles and materials in memory of Larisa Ivleva, pp. 56-71. , St Petersburg: Dmitry Bulanin, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., (2001) Statyi iz entsiklopedii’ [Articles from Encyclopedia], Trudy fakulteta etnologii [Proceedings of the Ethnology Department], 1, pp. 230-271. , St Petersburg: European University at St Petersburg Press, is. (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Iz oblasti poeticheskoy filologii: suktsessivnost poeticheskoy rechi u Brodskogo i Yakobsona (K istorii odnogo doklada) (2009) Tynyanovskiy sbornik [The Tynyanov Collection], is. 13: Dvenadtsatye — Trinadtsatye— Chetyrnadtsatye Tynyanovskie chteniya [Tynyanov Readings Thirteen — Fourteen — Fifteen], pp. 369-380. , [From the Realm of Poetic Philology: Successiveness of Poetic Speech of Brodsky and Jakobson (Towards the History of a Presentation)], Moscow: Vodoley, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., K pustoy zemle nevolno pripadaya: Postscriptum k state N. N. Mazur’ [“Unwillingly clinging to a bare land”: A Postscriptum to Natalia Mazur’ Paper (2015) Russko-frantsuzskiy razgovornik, ili / ou Les Causeries du 7 Septembre [A Russian-French Conversation Book, or / ou Les Causeries du 7 Septembre]: A coll. of articles in honor of V. A. Milchina, pp. 444-451. , Moscow: NLO, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Okhotin, N. G., Chto za delo im — khochu…”. O literaturnykh i folklornykh istochnikakh skazki A.S. Pushkina “Tsar Nikita i sorok ego docherey”’ [“What do they care — I want it…”: On Literature and Folklore Sources of Pushkin’s Fairytale “King Nikita and His Forty Daughters (1991) Literaturnoe obozrenie, (11), pp. 28-35. , (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Okhotin, N. G., [A comment] Otryvok iz skazki “Tsar Nikita”’ [A Fragment of Fairytale “King Nikita”] (2016) Polnoe sobranie sochineniy [Complete Works]: in 20 vols, 2, pp. 937-960. , Pushkin A. S., St Petersburg: Nauka, part 2, (In Russian); Levinton, G. A., Smirnov, I. P., Na pole Kulikovom” Bloka i pamyatniki Kulikovskogo tsikla’ [Blok’s “On the Kulikovo Field” and the Texts of the ; Kulikovskaya bitva i podem natsionalnogo samosoznaniya [Kulikovo Battle and the Rise of the National Identity], , Kulikovo Cycle]; (1979), pp. 72-95. , Leningrad: Nauka, (Trudy otdela drevnerusskoy literatury IRLI [Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature, Institute of Russian Literature], 34). (In Russian); Lord, A. B., (1960) The Singer of Tales, , Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, XV+309; Nagy, G., (1974) Comparative Studies in Greek and Indic Meter, , Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, XXIV+335 (Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature, 33); Niederle, L., (1902) Slovanské starožitnosti, , Praha: Bursík a Kohout, –1934; Podrezova, S. V., (2021) Krichat Khrista”: paskhalnyy tropar v russkoy folklornoy traditsii [“To Shout Christ”: Easter Troparion in Russian Folklore Tradition, p. 510. , ed. by G. A. Levinton, I. S. Popova. St Petersburg: European University at St Petersburg Press; Romanova, E. V., (2012) Massovye samosozhzheniya staroobryadtsev v Rossii v XVII– XIX vekakh [Mass Self-Burnings of Old Believers in Russia in the 17th–19th Centuries], p. 288. , St Petersburg: European University at St Petersburg Press, (Studia Ethnologica, is. 10); Shapir, M. I., “…Khot pozdno, a vstuplenye est” (“Yevgeniy Onegin” i poetika burleska)’ [“Though late, prelude is done at last”: Evgeniy Onegin and poetics of burlesque] (2000), 1, pp. 241-251. , Shapir M. I., Universum versus: yazyk stikh smysl russkoy poezii XVIII–XX vekov [Universum Versus: Language —Verse Meaning in Russian Poetry of 19th–20th Centuries]: in 2 Moscow: Yazyki russkoy kultury, (In Russian); Shein, P. V., (1900) Velikoruss v svoikh pesnyakh, obryadakh, obychayakh, verovaniyakh, skazkakh, legendakh i t.p. [The Russian in His Songs, Rituals, Beliefs, Tales, Legends, etc.], 1 (2), pp. 377-833. , St Petersburg: Printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, is. XXVII–LVIII, (In Russian); Sokolov, Yu. M., (1931) Folkloristika i literaturovedenie’ [Folklore Studies and Literary Studies], Pamyati P. N. Sakulina [In Memory of P. N. Sakulin]: A coll. of articles, pp. 280-289. , Moscow: Nikitinskie subbotniki, (In Russian); Toporov, V. N., (1975) Prusskiy yazyk [Prussian Language]: A dictionary, pp. 1-5. , Moscow: Nauka, –1990, (In Russian); Vakhtin, N. B., Levinton, G. A., (2007) AB-60: A coll. of articles for the 60th anniversary of A. K. Baiburin, p. 572. , (eds), St Petersburg: European University at St Petersburg Press, (Studia Ethnologica, is. 4). (In Russian); Zelenin, D., (1927) Russische (Ostslavische) Volkskunde, , Berlin; Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter, 424 SS. (Grundriß der slavischen Philologie und Kulturgeschichte); Zelenin, D. K., (2019) Opisanie rukopisey Uchenogo arkhiva Imperatorskogo Russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva [Description of Manuscripts of the Academic Archives of the Imperial Russian Geographic Society], 4, pp. 1279-1760. , introd. by A. I. Vaskul. St Petersburg: Kompozitor, is. XXVII, (In Russian); Zemtsovskiy, I. I., (1967) Toropetskie pesni: pesni rodiny M. P. Musorgskogo [Toropets Songs: Songs from the Homeland of Modest Musorgskiy], p. 140. , (comp., comment), Leningrad: Muzyka, (In Russian); Zemtsovskiy, I. I., (1974) Uglichskie narodnye pesni: iz novykh zapisey russkikh narodnykh pesen [Uglich Folk Songs: New Recordings of Russian Folk Songs], p. 288. , (comp., ed), Moscow: Sovetskiy kompozitor, (In Russian)

PY - 2023

Y1 - 2023

N2 - We publish here an interview with George Levinton, a prominent specialist in philology, folklore and literary criticism, professor at the European University at St Petersburg, on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Professor Levinton recalls his teachers and those who influenced his academic trajectory: his father Akhill Levinton, Vladimir Toporov, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Boris Uspensky, Kirill Taranovsky. He talks about his academic career, atypical for a scholar in Soviet times, and about the institutions he worked in. He talks about the James Bond novels that helped him learn English and explains why he never worked ‘in the field’. Levinton’s interlocutors asked him to explain where the ‘wedding’ topic came from, and how he felt working with his co-authors (such as Albert Baiburin, Nikita Okhotin, Alexander Dolinin, Yury Kleiner, Viktor Lapin), and why he stopped teaching a course in poetics. They also tried to find out which of his numerous publications he considered the most important methodologically for science and for himself. © 2023, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

AB - We publish here an interview with George Levinton, a prominent specialist in philology, folklore and literary criticism, professor at the European University at St Petersburg, on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Professor Levinton recalls his teachers and those who influenced his academic trajectory: his father Akhill Levinton, Vladimir Toporov, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Boris Uspensky, Kirill Taranovsky. He talks about his academic career, atypical for a scholar in Soviet times, and about the institutions he worked in. He talks about the James Bond novels that helped him learn English and explains why he never worked ‘in the field’. Levinton’s interlocutors asked him to explain where the ‘wedding’ topic came from, and how he felt working with his co-authors (such as Albert Baiburin, Nikita Okhotin, Alexander Dolinin, Yury Kleiner, Viktor Lapin), and why he stopped teaching a course in poetics. They also tried to find out which of his numerous publications he considered the most important methodologically for science and for himself. © 2023, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

KW - folklore studies

KW - George Levinton

KW - poetics

KW - reconstructing proto-Slavic formulas

KW - Tartu school of semiotics

KW - wedding ritual

U2 - 10.31250/1815-8870-2023-19-59-209-257

DO - 10.31250/1815-8870-2023-19-59-209-257

M3 - статья

VL - 2023

SP - 209

EP - 257

JO - Antropologicheskij Forum

JF - Antropologicheskij Forum

SN - 1815-8870

IS - 59

ER -

ID: 117489293