The outer part of Laptev and Kara seas shelf is characterized by low rates of Holocene sedimentation in the middle-late Holocene and high rates in the early. Early Holocene conditions were favorable for the development of benthos and plankton, shells of marine mollusks are often found in the layers of this age, benthic and planktonic foraminifera are numerous, which may be due to the influence of warm Atlantic waters.
Translated title of the contributionHolocene sedimentation rates on the outer part of Laptev and Kara sea shelf
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationГеология морей и океанов
Subtitle of host publicationМатериалы XXIII Международной научной конференции (Школы) по морской геологии
PublisherИнститут Океанологии РАН
ISBN (Print)9785990144965
StatePublished - Nov 2019
EventXVIII Международная научная конференция (Школы) по морской геологии - ИОРАН, Москва, Москва, Russian Federation
Duration: 16 Nov 200920 Nov 2009


ConferenceXVIII Международная научная конференция (Школы) по морской геологии
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

ID: 49211635