The article analyzes the situation concerns with the modern higher education in China, in particular, the rapid development of Chinese universities and their access to the world level. It is noted that the state plans aimed at the formation of China as a world educational center are connected with the project «One belt, one road». It is shown that Chinese universities have an important intellectual potential in the development of the Chinese Silk Road initiative. In conclusion, the authors analyze the organizational mechanisms aimed at the internationalization of higher education in China, and, in particular, analyze the Silk Road Universities Network, which has recently emerged.
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • intellectual potential, One Belt, one road project, Silk Road Universities Network, интеллектуальный потенциал, проект "Один пояс, один путь", Сеть университетов Шелкового пути

ID: 78456948