The main idea of this paper is the biofeedback inspired physiological tremor amplitude modification. Subjects were asked to perform a series of 15-second-long physiological tremor tests in sitting position with arms stretched at the shoulder level. Physiological tremor acquisition was implemented� by 3-axial digital accelerometers fixed on the external side of index fingers. The biofeedback signals were transferred to the screen placed in front of the subject. We used four biofeedback modes under tremor minimization task: arm inclination, mean tremor amplitude from both arms, tremor amplitude from right hand with simulated left hand parameter, and the inverse combination. The data obtained under biofeedback conditions was compared to normal values recorded before and after biofeedback testing. The opportunity of targeted physiological tremor modification in 8–12 Hz band was explained by the suppression of tremor amplitude in biofeedback conditions. The transition of tremor suppression effect was observed in biofeedback testing with simulated dominant arm biofeedback parameters deduced from contralateral nondominant ones.