We investigated the correlations between the manifestations of teenage crisis (symptoms of the crisis, the image ofadulthood, self-esteem, an aspiration level), the characteristics of the parent-child relationships and the peculiarity of perceptionof the family situation by teenagers.The sample: 55 teenagers from 11 to 13 years old and 36 mothers. Methods: “Symptoms of the teenage´s crisis questionnaire”by V. Vasilenko (forms for teenagers and parents); methods for the study of image of their own adulthood by O. Kurysheva;methods for the study of self-esteem by Dembo-Rubinshtein (modification by A. Prihozhan); “Questionnaire of the parent-childinteraction” by I. Markovskaya (forms for teenagers and parents); the Kinetic Family Drawing (R. Burns, S. Kaufman). Methodsof mathematical statistics: Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Spearman Correlation.The study revealed that the positive perception by teenagers of the emotional side of child-parent relationships and thefamily situation is a resource for reducing the negativistic symptoms and directing the crisis into a constructive form, promotesto the formation of a mature image of adulthood and a higher self-esteem. A discrepancy in the estimates of the crisis amongadolescents and their mothers was revealed, as well as conflicting data in the study of cross-links in the evaluation of parametersby adolescents and mothers.