The report is devoted to features of modern colloquial speech expression eto sv’atoe. Acting as a predicate, it defines a variety of things and phenomena. At the same time, traditional dictionary litters relig. (religious) and high. (high) are barely applicable to modern usage of this expression. The analysis was performed based on two corpuses: ORD Speech Corpus and Russian National Corpus (oral, newspaper and main subcorpuses). The research convincingly demonstrated that this is actually a "birth" of a new idiom. Its meaning and stylistic coloring goes from the original "religious" and "high", through simply "important" (either for all or for a specific orator, always or at a given moment of time) – to neutral, prosaic, ironic – and then to an "unpleasant but inevitable", and due to this – also 'important'. Such uses are primarily actual for oral conversational speech, as well as in related to oral language of newspapers and can be traced in written texts approximately from the 80’s of the last century. This unit is not defined yet as an idiom in any lexicographical sources, while, seems, it quite worth’s it.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)85-94
Number of pages10
JournalSłowo. Tekst. Czas
StatePublished - 20 Oct 2020

ID: 73275917