Due to the similarity of clinical, morphological and radiological signs of sarcoidosis and pulmonary tuberculosis, differential diagnosis of these diseases has a high diagnostic, social and epidemiological value. In the review, classical and atypical syndromes in clinical, radiological and morphological diagnostics are examined, the role of new diagnostic tests entering into clinical practice is assessed. The quantified test, T-SPOT, and the test with tuberculosis recombinant allergen show higher specificity in the absence of toxic components and risks of sensitization as compared to the classical Mantoux test. These tests allow to verify the diagnosis of tuberculosis as soon as possible and to reduce the number of patients diagnosed on the basis of clinical and radiological data. An important result of the timely diagnosis of sarcoidosis is the absence of monitoring a patient with this disease in the TB service and conducting unreasonable courses of chemotherapy for a long time.
Translated title of the contributionDifficulties of respiratory tuberculosis and sarcoidosis differential diagnosis (literature review)
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)16-24
Number of pages9
JournalМедицинский альянс
StatePublished - Mar 2018

    Research areas


ID: 36259287