The properties of models used to evaluate their quality are considered. A classification of properties that affects their selection and evaluation is given. An approach to assessing the quality of models and multiple-model's complexes is presented, tied to the stages of modeling. Efficiency is considered as the final indicator of modeling, affecting the choice of model and modeling environment. A system-management interpretation is proposed for assessing the quality of models and the effectiveness of complex object's modelling and simulation.
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • efficiency, functional, model, model properties, modeling, operational, structural, structural-functional model, the quality of the model, качество модели, моделирование, модель, модель структурная, операционная, свойства модели, структурно-функциональная, функциональная, эффективность

ID: 78410579