

This paper explores features of the visual images and descriptions of the inhabitants of four European states (Sweden,
Great Britain, the Netherlands and Switzerland), found in “Huang Qing Zhi Gong Tu” (“Tributaries of the ruling Qing
dynasty”) – a Chinese historical and ethnographic book compiled by Fu Heng in the middle of the 18th century. The
book is stored in the collection of rare Oriental books at St. Petersburg State University. Eight xylographic illustrations of the inhabitants of the European states are selected and analyzed. The attached explanatory texts are also translated. They contain information about the geographical location of the countries mentioned, as well as the history
of their contacts with China and some notes about the inhabitants of these countries, including an anthropological portrait, a description of costumes, customs, occupations and so on. The interpretation is carried out in accordance with
the principles of scientific translation used by academician Vasiliy M. Alekseev (1881–1951). In case of need
the translations are supplemented with textological, historiographic and culturological commentaries. An analysis
of the drawings and texts aids in recreating the picture of the perception by the Chinese of the mid-18th century of the
four European states. The archaic names of countries and peoples used by compilers are analyzed. Misconceptions and
stereotypes of Chinese compilers are revealed. Attempts are being made to explain their possible origins. The author
of the paper found out that the compilers sometimes relied upon a method of explanation of the phenomena unknown
to the Chinese by rethinking similar facts from the history and culture of China.
Translated title of the contributionNorthern and Western Europe in “Illustrated Tributaries of the Qing Empire”
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)81-93
Number of pages13
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2020

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)
  • Cultural Studies
  • Anthropology
  • History
  • Language and Linguistics
  • Archaeology
  • Archaeology
  • Literature and Literary Theory
  • Linguistics and Language

    Research areas

  • Imagology, Qianlong, China and Europe, political relations, cultural contacts, the images of the Swedes, of the British, of the Dutch, of the Swiss

ID: 53988528