
The article examines the evolution of the Tory faction from the Glorious Revolution of 1688–1689 till the Hanoverian
succession in 1714 in the context of the analysis of its counter-revolution through the threat to the revolutionary
regime. The author examines the ideology of the Tory faction before and after the revolution, its connection
with the High Church movement, the tactics of political struggle against Whigs and the system of relations with
post-revolutionary monarchs William III and Anne. The article concludes that the Tories could not agree with the
methodology of the change of Royal power, remaining faithful to the traditional ideas of the divine right of kings, in
which they were supported by representatives of the High Church. Although this ensured the well-known counterrevolution of the Tories, they never became open Jacobites, remaining part of the political system that emerged as
a result of the Glorious Revolution, which allows us to consider the counter-revolution of the Tories only as element
of their political struggle in the post-revolutionary reality.
Translated title of the contributionThe problem of Tory counter-revolution in the first decades after the Glorious Revolution
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)40-47
Issue number9 (153)
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • the Glorious Revolution, counter-revolution, Tories, Whigs, Jacobites, he Hanoverian succession, the divine right of kings, nonresistance theory, passive obedience

ID: 47505859