The modern tools of soft-power influence on foreign policy of other countries are constantly expanding. Today, one of the most popular tools is the sphere of education, within which there is an opportunity to create a dialogue between national and foreign universities, largely due to the development of academic mobility programs. However, the uneven development of academic mobility in the countries of the world is noticeable. Thus, in the countries of the Turkic world, such a program does not have sufficient development, which deprives the country of one of the important elements of the "soft power" policy. The article analyzes this problem in detail to identify existing opportunities, threats and problems, as well as to identify possible ways to solve them.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)6-11
JournalСкиф. Вопросы студенческой науки
Issue number7 (35)
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • "soft power", "мягкая сила", academic mobility, education, public diplomacy, Turkic world, академическая мобильность, образование, публичная дипломатия, тюркский мир

ID: 78471376