
The article deals with lexeme maidan, which was borrowed by Slavs from the Turkic languages, and its lexico-semantic transformations in diachronical aspect and in the modern linguistic interpretation due to various extralinguistic reasons. For anaylis are used Ukrainian, Russian and Serbian languages, in which this lexeme has different semantic, stylistic and conceptual meanings.
Translated title of the contributionOrientalism „maidan“ and its lexico-semantic transformations in modern Slavic world
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationМатериалы III форума гуманитарных наук "Великая степь"
EditorsДархан Кыдырали
Place of PublicationАстана
PublisherМеждународная тюркская академия
ISBN (Print)978-601-7793-70-1, 978-601-7793-71-5
StatePublished - Dec 2018

    Research areas

  • turkism, rientalism, lexicology, Slavic languages

ID: 36961268