The list of evidence in the case of violation of antitrust law is open. These include the communication of one of the accomplices to the anticompetitive agreement on the crime, copies of the criminal case file provided by the investigative authorities under the name ‘For official use’ and permission to familiarize exclusively with the members of the commission to consider the case of violation of the antitrust law. The article critically analyses the legal and regulatory grounds for refusing to examine these evidences, which leads to the recognition of a person who has violated the provisions of the antitrust law on evidence closed from him or her, which he or she has not been familiar with and could not object to.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)3-8
JournalКонкурентное право
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • anti-competitive agreements, cartel, case on violation of antitrust law, coordination of economic activity, disclosure of evidence in case on violation of antitrust law, materials of criminal case, reporting of crime, secrecy of investigation, антиконкурентные соглашения, дело о нарушении антимонопольного законодательства, картель, координация экономической деятельности, материалы уголовного дела, раскрытие доказательств в деле о нарушении антимонопольного законодательства, сообщение о преступлении, тайна следствия

ID: 78599850