The authors analyze the experience of application of tactics of Popular Front in Latin America. They are researching the similarities and differences of Popular Fronts of the Comintern era and contemporary period indicating the continuing traditions as also the differences between historical and new one patterns of Popular fronts. The article, among other points, is clear demonstration of variety of forms and patterns of Left-Wing and Left-Centrist forces alliances. The article also deals with comparison of left-wing blocs in different countries of Latin America but the special attention is paid to some of them, such as broad Leftist coalition in Mexico and Central America, the leftist alliances in Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru, as also to the pattern of the Popular Front in Brazil and to the left-wing and Left-Centrist coalitions in the Southern Cone countries. One of the main conclusions made by the authors is that despite all the different circumstances and unsimilarities between the left-wing coalitions (because of their composition) almost all of them have the same anti-imperialist orientation and unify the main leading Left-Wing parties. The Uruguayan Frente Amplio is the best organized and well sustained coalition of this type. One of the main focuses for the analysis is also the activity of Sao Paulo Forum considered as the continental agglomeration of Left-Wing groups.