The aim of this research was to study the features of homosexual adolescents' self-stigmatisation in connection with different specifics of the family system. During the research 150 adolescents, identifying themselves as homosexual took a survey, which examined their level of self-stigmatisation, psychological health and well-being and family functioning features such as flexibility and cohesion of the family system. It has been found out that a lower level of self-stigmatisation is related to a higher level of cohesion and flexibility. Also, the sex-difference has been spotlighted: male adolescents have the lower level of self-stigmatisation while the family system has the extreme low and high level of cohesion, female adolescents do so only if the family system has a high level of cohesion. Moreover, the availability of external sources of support such as supporting friends, familiar LGBT-persons, or membership in LGBT-communities in social network etc. associated with a lower level of self-stigmatisation
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • adolescents, Family System, homonegativity, homosexual adolescents, self-stigmatisation, гомонегативность, гомосексуальные подростки, подростки, самостигматизация, семейная система

ID: 78368150