The article identifies and analyses the psychological details, motives that create the image of Bunin's integrated, but dichotomously split ideal heroine, “oxymoronic” in her nature. The paper shows that the psychological complexity of the heroine's image casts its reflection on the personality of the hero, revealing the impossibility of achieving the ideal, the desire that does not coincide with the achievement. Bunin exposes the psychological nature of the vital (existential) antinomy manifested in love, cognition of which accompanies the young character's maturing, leading the narration to two - different - points of view of the character-narrator and the character-actor.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)178-181
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • cycle "Dark Alleys", dichotomy of heroine's image, Ivan Bunin, story "Natalie", system of characters, type of narrator, дихотомия образа женского персонажа, И. А. Бунин, рассказ "Натали", система персонажей, тип нарратора, цикл "Темные аллеи"

ID: 78528012