
The article is devoted to the study of the image of an old woman in the poetry of D. Kharms. The microfield “old lady” within the lexical-semantic field “woman” became the object of the research. Thematic groups of lexemes selected within the microfield allowed to draw conclusions about the specificity of old lady representation in the poems. The research resulted in the conclusion about the old lady as a representative of other worlds, associated with death and demonic forces.
Translated title of the contributionLexical means of depicting an old lady in the poetry of D. Kharms
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationМы говорим на одном языке
Subtitle of host publicationМатериалы IX международной межвузовской студенческой конференции, заочно прошедшей в РГГМУ
EditorsВ. Д. Денисов
Place of PublicationСПб
PublisherИздательство Российского Государственного гидрометеорологического университета
StatePublished - 21 Dec 2021
EventIX международная международная студенческая научно-практическая конференция "Мы говорим на одном языке" - Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург, Russian Federation
Duration: 20 Apr 202123 Apr 2021


ConferenceIX международная международная студенческая научно-практическая конференция "Мы говорим на одном языке"
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

ID: 92180613